Hey Douchebags!!! Thanks for spoiling today who dies post-Civil War, the day the fucking issue comes out. It's not even 10am and as I'm reading the news, there it is on MSNBC, CNN, YahooNews, etc. Great! You couldn't have
waited, say, a fucking
DAY? You know, allow people to go
GET the fucking issue first? Thank god Quesada (Editor In Chief) and crew aren't in charge of movies: "The sequel to Star Wars, '
THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK', comes out this friday! Go see it, cause its revealed Darth Vader is really Luke's father!" or "Bruce Willis is already dead and helps a young boy who sees dead people!!" Man,
fuck you, Marvel. Thanks alot,
Dickheads. I call
bullshit and yet another stupid desperate cheap marketing grab for money. Go blow a whale, Marvel.
You suck. My money's going somewhere else from now on, assholes. Oh, and I'm not even going to go into WHO they killed and why.
Wait, I still have some
fire left on this one...
In regards to characters dying and just coming back,
Joe Quesada said "Times are different now. There was period in comics where characters would just die and then be resurrected. And the death had very little meaning and the resurrection had very little meaning." You fucking hyporcite. Off the top of my head, the following characters have come back from the dead under
YOUR watch:
BUCKY, Yes, fucking BUCKY!!!
(and FOGGY NELSON - thanks, Frank) God, you make me sick, JoeQ.
(oh, and Ultimate Beast, Thor, All the Asgardians and Hawkeye....)
Read DC Comics.
I just read it myself. What the hell are these people thinking? It makes me wonder if these sycophant are doing this on purpose knowing that the fans are going to go ballistic.
Jim, you forgot Foggy Nelson who was "killed" and resurrected for laughs. How many times has Quesada sold death as a storyline instead of a story? Too often.
Thanks for channeling my anger JIM,.....and it's like we talked about. OK,..you killed [Character]. I'm sure you'll bring him back in some way or another, but I cannot tell you how pissed I was that when I get to work, not but 10min. later, my co-worker comes and asks me "They killed [Character]????"
-seriously,..wtf.....thanks for the surprise. thanks for the no-read, thanks for the lost excitement/dissapointment I would have probably felt if I had picked up the issue today and read it in the confines of my own little world to enjoy for myself. Thanks,..any other spoilers you want to put outhere??? MJ dies next issue,...HUlK kills Tony???,..SPider-Man losses his legs???Wolverine sucks now,..oh never mind about that one.....
-this relly is kind of a slap in the face to loyal readers just to boost sales a few days early.
Amen Jim! You are so right on this.
Here's my smash on JQ - the Marvel VP David Gabriel along with editor Tom Brevoort, had a special retailer conference call about the "Initiative" books--they said Iron Man #15 would be HUGE, Captain America #25 would be huge, and even more huge would be Fantastic Four #543 would be the biggest of all. Then we found out the end of Civil War and decided not to increase orders on Iron Man or Cap. but that we would on FF because he INSISTED that people would buy that issue forever. Well, Iron Man #15 sold OK, this new FF issue is pretty weak in terms of "big stuff" and it's not really selling for crap to anyone but the die-hards - but our phone is ringing off of the HOOK for stinking Captain America - from people who've not bought a comic since Death of Superman. We're SO mad because they really should have given us more of an idea of the seriousness of the Cap #25 - but they didn't. And then in true Marvel form they print-to-order based on numbers from retailers who had NO IDEA what was in store for this issue - it's been sold out for over a WEEK already and it only hit shelves today. I'm sure the buddies of those that work at Marvel and knew what was coming the insider info to buy more, but we didn't and now we're going to run out before the day is done. And stupid Marvel with their short print runs is loosing money too because us stupid retailers would have bought more if they'd have made them. IDOTS!!
Jim is right - buy DC!
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