How the Mighty have fallen. I won't go into the craptastic work of
Miller these past few comic outings. But his next project.... Miller will have
Batman fight
al-Qaeda as the terrorist organization
attacks Gotham City. As Miller puts it, Batman will "will kick a lot of al-Qaeda butt... it just seems
silly to chase around the Riddler when you've got al-Qaeda out there." The upcoming book will be entitled "
Holy Terror, Batman" (nice reference to the
HUMOROUS 60s TV show Robin). Miller continues to say,
"I wish the entertainers of our time had the spine and the focus of the ones who faced down Hitler," Miller said. Well, he sure is proving that this generation has the chops - a comic book! Behold the power of democracy! Miller sites that during WWII, Cpt America was shown on a cover punching out Hitler. Well, Superman was also telling people to "slap Japs". Seriously, I just don't know where to begin with this. But I will say that I read comics to escape Reality. Do I really need to see Batman punching out Osama Bin Laden? Talk about silly.------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Frank Miller is best known for his kickass Daredevil run, Batman: Year One, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, and his Sin City stories. However, his return to maintstream comics these past few years have brought unholy crap like Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again and All-Star Batman & Robin - just truly embarrassing godawful unreadable drivel.
Last I heard DC had "no comment" on the series, and Miller said he wasn't finished writing it yet... so there's still a chance it won't get published. On one hand, I did think it would only be obnoxious propaganda, but on the other hand, I like that Miller is trying to get a big, P. C. (politically correct) publisher to put out a book like this. People are too easily offended today, and I say, PUSH SOME BUTTONS FRANKIE.
Besides, I already knew he was crazy--I am reading his current All-Star Batman series... can you say child abuse.
yeah, people are way too easily offended today.
All-Star Batman series: WTF?????
I'm picking up for the art only. I got to about page 3 of #3 and decided to just look at the pictures. Didn't read past page 3.....
sounds dumb
Jim-did you see the var. cover from #3? What was up w/ the Black Canary Crack Whore? WTF is what about 75% of everyone who read that issue said!
Hahaha, well said!
What happened to Miller?
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