Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Do you know why everyone in LA has a script they are trying to sell, but can't seem to catch a break? Because the same shit keeps getting produced by the same people. Case in point - Warner Bros has picked up the prehistoric "epic" 10,000B.C. Directed and produced by ROLAND EMMERICH, this flick will chronicle the journey of a young tribal mammoth hunter, played by Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, at the dawn of Modern Man. Emmerich is known for such stellar films as Godzilla, ID4, The Day After Tomorrow, The Patriot, and the upcoming King Tut. So you KNOW this is going to be great.

jimsmash, blah blah blah.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

unfrozen caveman lawyer! yes! i miss phil hartman. such a tragic shame. nice reference!