The latest Marvel Animated Movie DVD is about
THOR wielding some sort of powerful
SWORD. The tagline states, "
Before the Hammer... Came the Sword". I gotta say... yeah... Thor just doesn't work without his Hammer, and definitely doesn't work with a Sword. The hammer sets him apart from other musclebound barbarian-esque warriors. With the sword... he just looks like a
HE-MAN knockoff. Maybe its simply the pose... sword outstretched to the sky... lightning striking... Anyway, thought I'd share that thought.
It's before he earned the hammer, and he was on a quest for a fire giant's sword. It's pretty good actually. A little anime'y but way better than most of the marvel animation stuff.
I'll check it out....
but regardless of when this takes place, I still feel that Thor doesn't work visually with a sword - he still looks like He-Man :)
Everything is " Against the Gods " by Frazetta..so it's ok
I get your point about He-Man look, but the movie was pretty good, actually. It was a lot of fun. But not as good as Green Lantern: Emerald Knights.
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