(pics are those available online in a quick search manner)

Tomorrow: Wolverine No-Mask/Out-of-Costume Pics
*Wolverine Origins Work Print review next week, after the Theatrical Debut...
*Wolverine Origins Work Print review next week, after the Theatrical Debut...
This one is mine, I still have the poster I bought when I was 12...
Also, my alltime favorite Wolvie book...
LOVE Meltdown!!!
How could you leave out his new X-Force costume?!
The panel in the sewer from #132 remains a classic even today.
Guys, guys.... this was intended as a quick post... I looked online for some pics, snagged a bunch and posted.
That's why I included the disclaimer: "pics are those available online in a quick search manner"
Of course these are aren't ALL the best pics... just SOME (like I said in the post) that I found online QUICKLY (like I said in the post)
Please post links to others.
But cut me some slack here! gah!
Not sure how you could've left this gem out of the collection:
Well, his mask is OFF in that pic... stand by for tomorrow's "Mask Off/Out-of-Costume" post.
Although, I may ditch the entire Wolverine Week. I'm getting harped on pretty hard for omissions. (my inbox is filling up with hate mail. sigh)
Oh, sorry - my link was a joke. That was the first Liefeld/Wolverine pic I found online. Thought you'd find it funny. Instead, Wolverine week seems irrevocably ruined.
Ok, see that was early Liefeld... I don't mind early Liefeld stuff... that What If.... some of his New Mutants... it wasn't amazing, but he had his moments. It was when he was copying McFarlane and Byrne.
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