There was a small "burrito joint" next door that had the
BEST hot sauce, in my opinion. Unfortunately,
FRESH TO GO is no more as they have gone out of business. The
good news is, I found out their yummy hot sauce was, in fact all along,
FRANK'S HOT SAUCE, available at most grocery stores!!
Score!! If you're a fan of hot sauces ala Tobasco, etc (not the burn your asshole alive stuff) then try Frank's out. Personally, I freaking love this stuff. I pour it all over my food so its swimming in it. I could drink this stuff. Seriously. Maybe not chug it down, but I could nurse a bottle.
ME TOO!!!!! Have you tried the "Buffalo Wing" sauce also???
I swear I can put that stuff on anything. And it's just hot enough that it keeps ya coming back for more!
Frank's makes a buffalo wing sauce? holy crap, I'm so going to the store tonight!!!!
We all were raging hot sauce folks back in da eighties! They had mom-n-pop stores popping up all over with craft beers and sauces... some of the stuff outta lousyana was extremely good... the best being Bat's Brew witha flame throwin bat in flight and Vampfire with the good count his ownself dare! Bat-green, mild, Vamp- red spicy but not tooo!
AMEN! I'm a hot freak...cooking some jalapeno peppers right now!
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