Wednesday, January 15, 2025


There is a ton of misinformation floating around. Including everything coming from our president elect. To set the record straight:
  • While the news outlets report on Celebrities and Multi-Millionaires being affected by this fire, they are not the only ones. Regular working folks have lost their homes and lives. Ask any person in LA and they can name several friends and associates who have lost everything.

  • The forest lands burning are controlled by the Federal government.

  • The water shortages had nothing to do with water not being diverted by our governor. 

  • Our reservoirs are full. There is no shortage. The water tanks in the Palisades just couldn't be refilled quickly enough. 

  • There were no reductions that were made to the LAFD that would have impacted the situation. According to the LA Times, after the 2024-25 budget was passed, the city council approved $53m in pay raises for firefighters and $58m for new kit, such as firetrucks. Once that funding is taken into account, the fire department's operating budget technically grew this year.
Please dig deeper. People are aiming to deceive you.

Our country hasn't faced a fire in a populated area at this magnitude before. The Pacific Palisades is GONE! I used to live 3 miles due south of that community!

What's encouraging through all this is the fact that volunteer opportunities are at capacity. This city has come together in a way that I've never experienced. We have firefighters and equipment in use from Canada, Mexico, and several surrounding states. We're facing years of recovery, and need your support. Please keep this city and its residents that have lost everything in your thoughts and if you're able to give, please do.

I have dear friends in Altadena! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scary. Good post.