Thursday, February 07, 2013
My god that was fucking awesome.... and it helped bring down my rage levels over the Young Han Solo news. If this was the official trailer released by Disney, I'd die from Super Boner. Thank you, Mr88668866!
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Thursday, February 07, 2013
Star Wars,
Star Wars: Why Wasn't This In The Prequels,

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Hi, this is not an official trailer, is a fan made one, it is from several star wars games and movies cuts, even the the destruction of the planet by a black hole is taken from StarTrek the future begins movie LOL. The episodes VII, VIII, IX an IX was ment to be by Mr. Lucas, but, hope Disney do the right thing with a good movie, and not killing the sw saga...
That was amazing!
And was it fan made? I wasn't sure what with the subject heading being "FAN TRAILER: star wars episode vii" :P just poking fun.
I hope Disney makes future Star Wars films half as good as this trailer, but know in my heart they are incapable of such a task. The hiring of JJ Abrams being the first indicator. I seriously do not understand why people love his shit so much - its lots of glam with no substance.
Not me....Without Luke Han etc. For me Episode 7 will suck.
I'm kind of the opposite - I feel Han, Luke etc's tales have been told. Time to move onto to something else within the universe. I'd love to see Old Republic stuff.... Sith Vs Jedi in the dark days.... or stuff well after Luke, etc. I was never a fan of the novels and don't want to see them become films. Jacen, Jaina & Anakin Solo? No thanks.
But I do agree - Episode VII is going to probably suck... especially with JJ at the helm. He already made a Star Wars movie - it was called "Star Trek", and it sucked.
Actually, in all honesty, that was crap. Like Darlok said, just "already released shots from games almost a yr old, plus the planet thing w/ Star Trek". *yawn*
What part of "The Darth Bane Trilogy flew off the shelves for COUNTLESS REASONS" do people, including Disney and the Star Wars folks themselves, not seem to understand?
It's far-removed from the 6 films, but specifically intertwined, as well as being the catalyst that ended the "old republic's wars between the armies of Sith & Jedi".
If Disney makes these upcoming films "half as good as the trailer", then they'll suck. "Lots of glam & no substance" after saying THAT? That's LITERALLY all this redundant "fan teaser" is!
Having said that, Abrams does suck more than not, as the previous Star Trek way more sucked than not.
May the force be with us all.
..Oh, but not knowing how AWESOME Jaina, Jacen, Anakin, and Ben are is kinda lame, Jim.
They're stories are amazing, Luke at the helm of the New Jedi Order is truly an even more special journey than his journey in the films, Leia as a baaaaaaaaaad ass Jedi is even cooler than Slave Leia (trust me, it's even weird to say, but TRUE), and their bloodline directly ties into Cade Skywalkers in the Legacy comic.
...which also flew off the shelves more than the other Star Wars comics FOR MULTIPLE REASONS.
to each their own.
the fan made trailer uses previously released footage because its a FAN MADE trailer.
I know the solo kids. I read the books. I didn't care for them and thought they were lame.
again, to each their own.
this is why they should NOT make more sw movies - we'll just in-fight over them.
Darth Caedus + all the crap, including the Vong experience, that led him to that finality is very, very far from lame.
Were the stories of their youth perhaps a wee bit "juvenile"? Yeah, but you can only blame the writing.
Legacy of the Force was an amazing series, according to "not just me". If you disagree w/ that, then I'm cool w/ more people being on the "wrong side of history", as it were.
To each their own, indeed, but last I checked, my "taste" far exceeded the "taste" of the 2 girls who liked to share what was in that 1 cup. I use that reference all the time now, that some peoples' taste is just "shitty". I'm cool w/ it, no worries here, I KNOW what's in my cup & it's far from what was in theirs, my friend! lol
I mean, really... regardless of any disagreement about the SW prequels, I'm sure there's people who liked the old-school holiday SW 'toons while most people who know still say, "Yeeeaaah, no". Who is more "right"?
It differs every time, same as how people view J.J. Abrams. He may not suck to some, but he sure as hell sucks imo & I trust mine better than all of yours! ♥
I mean, really... Another example...
There's many people that said, "Green Lantern is the best superhero movie ever made". I didn't even see it yet, but was like, "Yeeeaaah, no. I don't think so. I know the character, it could never be that unless you're grossly biased, and I'm preeeetty sure this film ain't gonna live up to that".
...I heard that said right when it was first released, responded how I did & said exactly that, eventually saw it to see that, again, I'm right on the money.
Or perhaps you'd like to argue about, "Since someone said that Green Lantern was 'the best ever', then it must be somewhat true"?!?!
Yeeeaaah, no. lol
Anyway, as long as it mostly doesn't suck to the majority, in an OPPOSITE WAY that happened w/ Green Lantern (lol), the new movies won't suck.
I hope. Dammit, now i'm nervous. lol
Cheers & have a great weekend!
I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their opinion. I'm merely sharing mine and not judging others for theirs.
I didn't love the Vong stuff. Although I did like that they went for something different than "another sith/dark jedi" and "more empire stuff". And it was truly epic. I enjoyed it as good expanded universe.
I don't think its fair to say if someone doesn't like what you like, then they are like those 2 girls & a cup. We all have our own opinions. And it also doesn't work to say something is more valid because the masses like it. McDonald's has sold BILLIONS of burgers, but that doesn't mean they are great.
Perhaps I'm misreading tone, but I'm all for geeking out on this stuff but will not get into a flame war where we're attacking each other's tastes.
Btw... Sorry, one last thing...
"the fan made trailer uses previously released footage because its a FAN MADE trailer."
That's incorrect. It's not technically "fan made" if a fan doesn't actually make it by themselves. Taking clips from already released stuff ain't "making" anything.
...well, unless you count, "making those who watch over their trademarks nervous" as making something. lol
Fan Edit.
Splitting hairs.
True, but part of "geeking out" is dissecting what we like, do not like, why for both, etc, yes?
Not saying, "Everyone who disagrees is like the 1 cup stuff", but there's a LOT of stuff out there that's TOTAL crap that people just seem to brag about loving!
McDonald's is a GREAT example! Just more proof, as I've actually proven many, many times in many, many instances, that "millions & millions of people can be wrong". :-)
Not a huge fan of the Vong, but it was a very creative disconnect to that "usual Sith v Jedi, w/ a sprinkling of bounty hunters in the middle", indeed.
I tried reading the boba fett "bloodlines" book in the legacy series and couldn't get into it... boba's granddaughter n' stuff. It's just not what I want out of "my" Boba Fett.
"It's all mine!!!" :P
Have you read every single SW novel? What would be your top say... 10?
Shoot me an email... maybe it can be a guest post... if you're interested.
@ Anonymous,..
apparently your a big fan of the novels and expanded universe, that's your prerogative, but like JIM, I've started reading the novels when they first came out, and sorry,..they aren't that might as well be bragging about the original comics where Han fights along side a Giant green Bunny who was an ex jedi... Are there interesting characters?,..sure, yes, but they do not hold the feel and "intent" of the original films. They come across no more than glorified fan fiction in my eyes ( ' DARTH BANE??,..really, that's his name,..who came up with that my 7 year old nephew..?? I got one DARTH Atrocious,..or DARTH EVIL....). They pigeon hole Star Wars in the stereotypical, classification of typical " sci-fi" and throw all the cheese and lack of depth along in there.
THE ORIGINAL ( aside from Jedi which was the beginning of the end ) were FILMS. One a Drama/Western that HAPPENS to be set in a sci-fi" setting, the other was along the lines of a Greek tragedy,..once again that HAPPENS to be set in this particular setting. And the continuation of the characters ( ie, Solo kids) just deviates from the feel, and purpose of the Films only to feed fodder for those who think anything with STAR WARS label is great. We don't NEED to know anything about what happens after,'s inconsequential, and anything written down is just a glorified attempt to put their name and two cents in the mythos. It would be along the lines of someone writing a book expanding on
-As for the fan trailer,..YES, IS good ( and yes obi-wan we know it came from a game) It's what should have been seen in the prequels...and serves as a storyboard for what direction the films should take. ( unless you want to spend a crap load of money and actually produce a film quality trailer,..THIS is what you have to use to piece together to paint a picture ) So spout on about how "great the books were" and how lame this trailer is. You don't seem to be on the same page as the rest of us who see the franchise for what it was.....not for what it's been sold into being....
A lot hate for something that should be just taken in as a grain of salt.
Anyway, Jim, I'm surprised you haven't posted this really well put-together Abrams-esque trailer.
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