“The Star Wars Universe is limitless with possibilities, its mythology ever-expanding. Our art team wanted to contribute to that expansion by telling new stories about some of the most compelling Star Wars characters. With the encouragement of Lucasfilm, we created the Mythos line of statues.
This line of collectibles will be populated by characters from new and existing story lines. We will bring history, unique details and personal choices to each in order to elaborate on who they are. Through the design and sculpt process our goal is to delve deeper into these established characters and offer our own interpretations of what they have done outside of the Star Wars canon.
Our art team is taking the themes and core concepts common to the Star Wars mythology, such as love, honor, hope, despair and adventure, and accentuating those themes to achieve a collection of figures unlike any we’ve previously offered. Our vision is to portray moments in the imagined lifetimes of these characters and reveal them in a new way, in a new light. We hope to capture the imagination of Star Wars fans all over the world, and share with them our own adventures in that galaxy far, far away.”
--Tom Gilliland, Creative Director, Sideshow Collectibles
The boy is safe. Lars cannot hide his distaste for me, given my connection to the child’s father. Beru, however, is clearly smitten with the infant. But my presence is not welcome in their house. That is fine. I’ll watch over the child from a distance.
But first, I must ready myself. I will build a shelter across the Dune Sea from the Lars homestead. Close enough for me to sense any danger to the boy. Far enough away that the Empire may not discover him if they find me.
Master Yoda’s training was well-advised. I have already established a link with the spirit of my Master, Qui-Gon. His teachings endure from beyond the netherworld of the Force. There is a measure of comfort to be found there. And, someday, when my task is accomplished, I might be able to join him in that place.
But for now, I feel old. Old beyond my years. Desert life ages flesh and spirit, so I can only expect this to worsen the longer I remain on this world. The Tatooine storms will whip me with sands like a scourge. Each night I will hear in the winds the howls of my murdered Jedi kindred.
The Jedi are all but extinct. The few who survived Order 66 are continuously being hunted. Across the galaxy I am certain more will die. When I feel their deaths, I’ll dare not reach out to learn who it was, or to assist in any way. If I am discovered, then the boy may be discovered as well. And all will be lost.
I already wrestle with the weariness. The loss of my friend to this evil creature who has replaced him fills me with bitterness. But I must remember the words of my Master: Be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment. The boy is what matters. He IS the future.
Fool. I’m a damned idealistic fool. And blind, too. Anakin’s darkness was obvious. I should have foreseen this and prevented it. I failed him. My failure ended the Jedi Order.
The boy is our last hope. I failed Anakin. But I’ll not fail Luke. The son of Skywalker must become a Jedi.
Very cool - I dig this statue. Check it out, he's carrying some of his Clone Wars armor! The Gaffi stick is a nice touch.
2 things bug me, though... I don't think Obi-Wan would have the lightsaber(s) just dangling on the back like that - one would think he'd either have them up front or tucked away hidden. And the "podrace goggles" annoy me, only because I hate just about everything about 'Phantom Menace'.... except Darth Maul.
The winds throw a stinging sand across his bare skin, while his black robe snaps around the metallic hilt of the saberstaff hanging dormant at his waist. Maul is coiled, lethal, the force of his will pent-up with the violent need for his muscles to spring. Closing his eyes, he finds and grasps an agonizing memory.
Torture. His memories are of pain, of electric fire arcing from the contorted fingers of his master, coursing through his synapses as he cried out for relief. There would be no relief, though, short of marshaling his hate. He knows that hate unlocks the Dark Side. Only once consumed with hate would a master end the agony.
Anger builds around him now in waves. He allows it to increase, fed by those memories of pain, and of his master’s mocking laughter. A terrible rage grows, swelling within him, and a roaring fills his ears. His eyes snap open, glowing in horrible hues of red, orange, and yellow.
What's with the stick? (Seriously, does anyone know?)
Not loving this Darth Maul statue, but its cool nonetheless.
So there are 3 more statues already planned: DARTH VADER, BOBA FETT and LOMROKK the GAMORREAN GUARD.
Vader appears to have some Battle Damage.
Boba Fett is sporting a really huge fucking rifle that feels totally out of place/character. But maybe its a sniper rifle and he's about to collect his bounty from afar (nerd). He also has the Rex Eyes markings on his helmet (dork), which is sweet.
I really dig the Gamorean Guard. This feels more akin to 'Dungeons & Dragons', which the original took from. Personally, I would have much preferred a more big, thick badass take on the species than the more silly, fat piggys we saw in 'ROTJ'. No disrespect to the on-screen Guards (which I still love). Hmmm, I might have to pick that Mythos statue up.
Quick Nerd Side Note:
"Lomrokk"? No no no..His name is simply "GAMOREAN GUARD".
Much like Hammerhead's name is not "Momaw Nadon" - it's "HAMMERHEAD".... Walrus Man's name is not "Ponda Baba" - it's WALRUS MAN, etc.
And while it doesn't make sense - Zuckuss is the Droid & 4-LOM is the Gand.
The Vintage Toyline is Law.
Is it just me, or does it look like the Kenobi figure comes with two heads; one that resembles Sir Alec Guiness and the other Ewan McGregor?
Yeah, it seems that way. I haven't seen an official posting for the Obi statue yet, so I'm not sure what it comes with.
Is it just me, or does it look like the Kenobi figure comes with two heads; one that resembles Sir Alec Guiness from the films that were great and the other Ewan McGregor for the films that were a steaming pile of shit? :)
I was looking at these on sideshow the other day. Obi-wan does have two heads, depending on if you like Macgregor or Guiness better.
Darth Maul has a stick because, and i'm not clear on this, his first jedi target was such a good fighter he only fought with a stick, or, to prove himself Darth Maul can only use a stick. I'm not sure.
The Obi-Wan is amazing.
I dig it all.
I preordered Maul last week and can't wait to have him. I'll probably also pick up the Guard, but not the other three. All look awesome but I lack the funds and space!
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