In hopes to slightly compensate for my long absence, I give you.....
(in no particular order, as most Clone Concepts suck)
(Simpsons - TreeHouse of Horror XIII )
(Austin Powers - Clone of Dr. Evil)
(Alien: Resurrection - Clone of Ellen Ripley)
(New X-Men/X-Force - Female Clone of Wolverine)
(Star Trek: Nemesis - Clone of Picard)
(5th Element - Clone of Previously Killed Self)
(in no particular order, as most Clone Concepts suck)

(Simpsons - TreeHouse of Horror XIII )

(Austin Powers - Clone of Dr. Evil)

(Alien: Resurrection - Clone of Ellen Ripley)

(New X-Men/X-Force - Female Clone of Wolverine)

(Star Trek: Nemesis - Clone of Picard)

(5th Element - Clone of Previously Killed Self)

(Ultimate Spider-Man - Female Clone of Ulimate Peter Parker)

(6th Day - Clone of Arnold)

(Superman - Clone of Superman & Lex Luthor)

(X-Men - Clone of Jean Grey)

(X-Men - Clone of Cable, son of Madelyne; clone of Jean)

(Captain America - Brain inside Cloned body of Steve Rogers)

(Multiplicity: Clone of Doug #2)

(X-Men - Clones of their original counterparts)

(Stallone's Judge Dredd - Clone of Stallone Dredd)

(X-Men - Clone of Magneto)

(Star Wars - Clones of various unknown Mandalorians)

(Family Guy - Clone of Stewie)

(Thor - Clone Abomination of Thor)

(X-Men - Clone of Mr. Sinister)
*as seen in Claremont's 'X-Men: The End' mini-series!
(Spider-Man - Clone of Peter Parker)
(The Venture Bros - Clones of Original Hank & Dean Venture)

(Star Wars: Dark Empire - Cloned bodies of himself)
....aaaaand, that's enough me thinks.
I really hate the overused Clone Concept.
How do we know that Jimsmash is really back to posting and that this isn't his clone doing his bidding for him. Hmm?
No clonetroopers or Boba Fett? Or do you try not to think about that one.
Erm my bad, totally missed it.
Great list Jim, but where is Mini-Me?
UM jim , you ALSO forgot
( cult movie from the 70's)
( )
im dissapointed in you for shame , man for shame XD
Can't believe I left Mini Me off.
Clone Master, eh?
I've never seen it, which I will soon rectify.
the list is already a whopping 24.... I'll probably just leave it as is... but please continue to add more in here!
Hey Jim, what about the Nestor from Battle Beyond the Stars !!??
What about Homer from the "Treehouse of Terror" where he buys a cursed hammock which spits out clones
ah yes! that short was entitled "Send in the Clones". So THAT's where this post's Title came from... it was in my brain, wandering around, bumping into walls.
Andrew, I'm not familiar with Battle Beyond the Stars.... sorry, don't hate me!
ok, I just looked up some images for Battle/Stars.... yeah, I'm renting this ASAP and can't believe I've never seen! WTF?!!!
You've never seen Battle Beyond the Stars !? James Cameron and the Skotak Brothers worked on it doing the FX, one of James Horner's first films.
Bad movie but the women outfit is watchable...;)
And what about Terry McGinnis? Come on, man. Clone list without Batman Beyond? Not cool.
What about The Boys From Brazil?
What about Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid?
He's the first one i think of :)
Personally, I don't acknowledge that Terry McGinnis retcon.... it happened after the series ended and on Justice League. I also think it was a terrible idea. Its a "Lucas Retcon" in my mind... like "Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett" bullshit.
The list is pretty long as is... I dont' think I'll be adding anymore. But feel free to continue to name other Clones out there! Its not a "Best of" list, just a list for fun.
What about heroes who had cloning/multiplying powers? Multiple Man (X-Factor), Triplicate Girl(Legion of Superheroes), The DeeDees in Batman Beyond [or was that later in JL:U?]
hmm, are those "true clones", or "duplicates"?
☆JaganaR again☆
doesnt KITT / KARR count as clones ?
( yes KNIGHT RIDER bitches )
and if u do decide to do a best of Clone list dont forget Duncan Idaho ( and the rest of the clones in DUNE)
Rei Ayanam (neon genesis)
the whole palpatine thing was not a shock but when i wiki'd THE END (x-men) that whole thing blew my mind.
ill be getting the Battle/Stars next week so ill be ready to go WTF, as long as u check out the clone master :)
Hmm, I'd label KARR more as an "Evil Twin" than "Clone". But that's just me.
Yay, Evangelion!
I included Gambit (The End reveal) just to rile people up. Back-When, Online Gambit Fans were the WORST! :)
Judge Dredd's a clone too! And in the (terrible) movie Rico says "Send in the clones" when he sics the half made clones on Stallone.
There's also an awesome song called send in the clones by London rock n roll group the Fabulous Penetrators.
Was Dredd a clone, too? I forget... I've tried to forget most of that movie.
Alice Cooper has a song, "Clones (We're All)"
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