I dig his new thread and find it interesting how much it looks like Prize/Harvey Comics' FIGHTING AMERICAN'S costume.

THE FIGHTING AMERICAN is a "knock-off" (for lack of a better term) of Captain America, although created by the same people; JOE SIMON & JACK KIRBY. Simon/Kirby created Captain America in 1941 to combat against the "Nazi Threat." A decade later in 1954, they created The Fighting American...
From Scoop:
Originally conceived to be another riff on their established patriotic hero motif, the creators soured on the McCarthy-era definition of patriotism and ended up developing a character who parodied the climate and superheroes in general, but who still personified a more traditional patriotism including a love of free speech.Simon told a panel audience at the 1974 NY Comic Art Convention that the character was not so much inspired by Captain America as it was simply a product of the times. (wiki)

So this new Steve Rogers costume is kind of a full-circle thing.... Captain America to Fighting America, back to Captain America.
Ok, based on my fuzzy fuzzy memory.... In the late 90s, ROB LIEFELD was kicked off his Heroes Reborn Captain America. He then went and created his own comic called "AGENT AMERICA" where he planned on telling the stories he had wanted to tell before getting canned. Agent America looked very similar to Captain America, had a female "Bucky" (like in his run... which was a ripoff off of Frank Miller's 'The Dark Knight Returns Robin") and fought against THE IRON SKULL.
Marvel of course sued.

Marvel sued again.
The end result was Fighting American could keep his shield, but could never THROW IT, as well as some specific "costume color rules".

Steve Rogers is now unofficially called "SUPER SOLDIER"... which isn't the first time "he's" been called this... in the 1990s, Marvel & DC teamed up for a series of one-shots under the "AMALGAM" banner, which mashed up characters from each company's Universe. "SUPER SOLDIER" was Captain America combined with SUPERMAN:
Steve Rogers is now unofficially called "SUPER SOLDIER"... which isn't the first time "he's" been called this... in the 1990s, Marvel & DC teamed up for a series of one-shots under the "AMALGAM" banner, which mashed up characters from each company's Universe. "SUPER SOLDIER" was Captain America combined with SUPERMAN:
Dynamite Entertainment is supposedly going to relaunch Fighting American with Alex Ross giving him a costume tweak/update:
UDPATE: According to Reader TimPro , the project is dead in the water. From the wiki (via TimPro):
Dynamite Entertainment is supposedly going to relaunch Fighting American with Alex Ross giving him a costume tweak/update:
UDPATE: According to Reader TimPro , the project is dead in the water. From the wiki (via TimPro):
From the Fighting American page on Wikipedia: In 2009, Dynamite Entertainment announced they would publish the character with Alex Ross covers, although Joe Simon commented that he never gave his approval for this. In fact, he told that "there are some penciled covers of Fighting American by Mr. Ross that are printed in the story without copyright notice. I find that damaging, as is the whole fake story."