A month ago to the day, I posted a "HELP" post asking anyone going to the Baltimore Comic Con to please grab me a con-exclusive BACARA bust/statue.
Well, JimSmash friend SCOTT KING not only scored me the bust (it arrived at my doorstep last night), but he apparently had to battle his way through rabid, insane Star Wars fans (stampeding, running & cursing involved on THEIR part) to get it! Seriously, it sounded ridiculous and very very ugly.
So THANK YOU, SCOTT for not only getting the bust for me, but for sticking through the madness and enduring horrible ugly behavior around you as well! The bust looks freaking awesome and is currently on my "Current Favorite Geek Shelf" (I have many) until I can find a better place for it! YAY!!!!!
And I'd also like to thank LISA of Neptune Comics who offered to get me the bust, too! You both ROCK!!!
* Maker, I'm sorry, but yes..... I bought that Black Spiderman statue... back at the San Diego Comic-Con... I... I just didn't know how to tell you...... Don't hate me. :)
That sucker is going for $200 on eBay!
That's the Bacara, not Scott King. Scott goes for $5 on eBay.
Ha! But in his defense, he is out-of-package.
pffff Lisa offered to get it but she didn't have the skills or connections that I have. They didn't even get to the convention Saturday until the day was half over!
But yeah seriously... I've always considered myself a "Star Wars" fan, but I hadn't even heard of the character before. So it was nuts to see people go nuts over the darn things.
Also... I'm a bad guy 'cuase I made a rule that if anyone offered me $500 for it I was going to sell it on the spot and give you the $500, but the most I was offered was $175.
Anyway... happy to help :)
Hahaha! Awesome!
Scott - there was a method to our madness - we picked one up on Sunday and there was no line or problem or Sith Lords battling us for them. Just stacks of them sitting out on the table for anyone to wander up and buy.
Looks like they created a mad-house on Saturday and then had lots left over on Sunday.
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