For one, do we really need THREE flagship X-Men titles? I'm a fan of going back to just ONE, but we all know that's never going to happen. Also, while I love Ellis' writing, I don't think he's going to take the X-Men to places I'd like them to go; more cynical. Bianchi's art was gorgeous on DC's SEVEN SOLIDERS (with Grant Morrisson writing!), but his current WOLVERINE run has been confusing as hell; poor sequential storytelling I think. His work can be breathtakingly bitchin', especially when its black and white.... but like I said, his currrent Wolverine stuff is just slop-happily messy. I think his art is stronger in a more fantasy sword/sworcery book, rather than characters in super-hero costumes.... although that pic is pretty fucking rad. I'd prefer him to stick to COVERS, PIN-UPS or full page graphic novels (ala ALIENS: TRIBES).
Being the X-ADDICT that I am, I will of course continue to buy this book. And being the COMIC NERD that I am, I will of course continue to bitch about it. Hopefully they prove me wrong and Astonishing continues to hold up to its namesake.
Oh fuck.... is that X-23 on the team? WITH Wolverine.
Sigh. I'm too tired to go off..... but in the interview below, Ellis says he hasn't decided on a final team roster... but that pic does not bode well....
Interview with Warren Ellis
Interview with Simone Bianchi
If the "Amazing Spider-Man" thrice a month works out... I could see them trying to do the same thing with X-men.
I'm not saying I think its a good idea... but maybe your wish will come true and there will only be ONE head x-men title.
GOd,..I guess I just dropped Astonishing....
_ I hate to constantly sound negative (I do like A lot of things Jum doesn't post about :) ) But I do not like Warren Ellis in the MU (Ultimates, he's fine, bc it readsa like a storyboard for film). He's too cought up into tryng to make things gritty and rough, and dark for the sake of it. He doesn't get what being a super-hero is about, and he lacks over all imagination. personal, I just don't dig his work. And to compound the problem,...X-23???????, seriously????? really???? If he ends up killing her off, I might over-look some of his other faults....
did I just call you "JUM" ????
-hahahahah,...apologies. But since you don't miss me, -screw you! :)
"Secondary mutations. Breeding pairs. Warpies. The counting problem -- 198 was the number of surviving mutants post-House of M, but, really, who did that count? I'm not saying that new mutants will be popping out of the woodwork, but there's some serious geopolitical blinkers happening, still. Do you really think Nigeria or Zimbabwe are capable or willing to count mutant heads"
"The metaphor of mutantcy has meant many things to many people over the years. It's been code for adolescence, for race, for sexuality, for politics and probably a dozen other things. I want to see what it actually means in the 21st Century"
"Also, I think planes will probably crash, beer will be drunk, people will get stabbed and certain characters will have what Joss called "the crazy weasel sex." But there will be no crying. This is very important. There is too much crying in science fiction these days."
-and there you have it. Back to some of the worst ideas (thanks Grant Maorrison) why did you even have House of M??)", ...and more of his ideology forced down my throat.......
-yep,..I just dropped astonishing....
-his egeo is just way too much
Hey, Maker.... I think you're thinking of MARK MILLAR, writer of Ultimates... this is Warren Ellis. Similar, but different as well.
I do think Maker is talking about Millar - similar Brit writer doing American comics, but not the same guy.
I did think that they'd just end Astonishing with Whedon. It makes more sense to me to just start a new series for Ellis if he really wants an X-book.
yes, your correct. i am thinking of millar,...but,ALTHOUGH I DO love Ellis' work on Preacher, given this interview, it seekms they didn't fall far from the same tree.,.. still don't think his writting translates well into the MU... (independant stories,..yea,..but not really super-heroes)
Haha, no, you're thinking of GARTH ENNIS on Preacher. This is WARREN ELLIS.
He had a really good run of EXCALIBUR in the late 90s..... wrote that Marvel 2-issue mini "RUINS"... made STORMWATCH awesome and created THE AUTHORITY (although MILLAR took it over from him)... does PLANETARY here and there (its awesome!).... TRANSMETROPOLITAN (awesome).... some HELLBLAZER several years ago....
I usually LOVE his writing, I just don't feel ASTONISHING X-MEN is the right fit... X-TREME X-MEN could have worked for him more, I think.
dude,.I'm so out of it right now, my heads not on strait.......I apologize to everyone. Jim, just delete my posts......
-seriously,..I'm done.
No worries, my man!
I agree with your "...given this interview, it seems they didn't fall far from the same tree.,.. still don't think his writting translates well into the MU..."
I like Ellis' writing, but on ASTONISHING X-Men, it doesn't fit at all.
Ellis, Ennis .... pretty close Maker. If Jim weren't such a big geek you might have gotten away with it. LOL!
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