Comics, like other pop culture goodies, tend to be remembered and categorized by decade.
Comics, like other pop culture goodies, tend to be remembered and categorized by decade.
So, here are the "best" (ie my favorite) COMICS of the NAUGHTS!
They are pretty much off the top of my head and listed in no particular order. Also I unfortunately ran out of time to properly write about each (JimSmash sucks!).
Forgot to post this one, which is a Guilty Pleasure/Hidden Gem. I've never been into Aquaman but found the character had potential. With issue 15, writer Will Pfeifer & artist Patrick Gleason came aboard, returning Aquaman to his classic costume. For the first time in my life, I found myself an Aquaman fan and placing this book at the top of my monthly reading list.

Born out of Alan Moore's Wildcats, Sleeper is The Departed with superpowers. It's gritty and imaginitive and feels like the good ole days of Wildstorm, minus the spandex.

I really enjoyed Kordey's art in this series and the book went in a new direction; less mutant savior stuff and more soldier-of-fortune. While maybe not the most stellar comic of the past 10 years, it has remained in my thoughts and so I've included it on this list as a "hidden gem".

This series took off at issue #7. Writer Ted McKeever was doing fun, new things with Mystique while still staying true to her character. Unfortunately, the series was cancelled after #24 and Mystique was turned into a psychotic nympho by other writers. Here is the last good Mystique.

This is a fun book but my favorite aspect was the new character DYLAN BATTLES. It's a shame the book was cancelled, especially since the last push had a fantastic new artist that fit the book perfectly. While the monthly book is gone, Manhunter still lives in the backup stories of Batman: Streets of Gotham.

I really enjoyed the art with these books. Asgard and its inhabitants looked like a nice blend of "authentic" Norse and Kirby Awesome. This is how I hope the Thor Movie will look. Seeing Thor walk into Asgard dragging behind him severed Frost Giant heads is one of the best Thor moments I've seen in a long time!

While the writing is "ok" (Busiek) and Conan talks waaaay too much, the art is fantastic and reminiscent of Frazetta in spirit. Its a nice adaptation and expansion of the original stories. I've picked this series up in hardcover format.

Very fun and funny. I'm concentrating on just the first series, before it was run into the ground. They totally dropped the ball with the ending, but its still a fun goofy read.

That's right, I'm including this! Love or hate what has been done with different writers in the X-Men Universe, Claremont did a great job of incorperating the entire X-Mythos into a beautiful final act that wraps up the grand epic story that is the X-Men. It all works together quite nicely and by the end of the story I was shockingly pleased with it.

The Garth Ennis run on this one. Ennis' can sometimes be too goofy and over-the-top, but he tones it down here to a nice level (Barricuda!). This is how the Punisher should be: realistic, brutal and full of military mayhem & mobster fun!

(Geoff Johns run)
The Flash was great those first few years of the decade. Hot off the great Waid run, Geoff Johns continued the momentum and made The Rogues fucking awesome! I was heartbroken when he left the book, but was happy when he took over Green Lantern!

Peter David returns to these B-List X-Characters and transformed X-Factor into a crime noir book full of drama, action, suspense, mystery and fun storytelling. He should be given a medal for his outstanding revamping of Madrox the Multiple Man. A great book every single month!

The first hardcover is absolutely amazing and spectacular! (get it?) The rest is still a fun read and Bendis' storytelling fits perfectly with this book. Its the best (and only good) Spider-Man to hit the stands in decades! And I got choked up with Gwen.... I knew it was coming and I still got choked up. A super fun, enjoyable read!
*(avoid all other Ultimate books)

The art alone is worth the price of admission. And its an interesting story through the eyes of Loki.

(Rucka/Johnson run only)
I LOVE this run of Wonder Woman, but wish Drew Johnson had stayed on as the artist. When he left, the book took a turn for the worse. It also entered into the Omac stuff and suddenly Wonder Woman was a murderer and everyone hated her. Ugh. But this run, collected in 3 trades, is wonderful.
I always wanted Captain America to have a more "Tom Clancy" feel to it and now it does. I was even pissed off that Bucky returned from the dead, but somehow the book still engaged me and kept me coming back each month. 'Civil War' kind of derails the momentum, but its still a great book - I'm buying a Captain America monthly book for the first time since the old Zeck (80s) & brief Waid/Garney (90s) days.
What if Daredevil was a weekly cable TV show drama? It would be like this book. Bendis, while too wordy at times, shifted Daredevil over into a noir drama and it totally works. This book has been awesome for the past 10 years straight! If you liked the old Frank Miller DD, you might dig this.
I always wanted Captain America to have a more "Tom Clancy" feel to it and now it does. I was even pissed off that Bucky returned from the dead, but somehow the book still engaged me and kept me coming back each month. 'Civil War' kind of derails the momentum, but its still a great book - I'm buying a Captain America monthly book for the first time since the old Zeck (80s) & brief Waid/Garney (90s) days.

What if Daredevil was a weekly cable TV show drama? It would be like this book. Bendis, while too wordy at times, shifted Daredevil over into a noir drama and it totally works. This book has been awesome for the past 10 years straight! If you liked the old Frank Miller DD, you might dig this.

I didn't want to like this book and couldn't even imagine doing so. And yet, here it is on this list! Writers Kyle & Yost are the disciples of 80s Claremont. This was the best X-Book on the stands while it was out (along with Astonishing X-Men). Hell, in this book I can even tolerate X-23 and enjoy her stories! Madness.

New X-Men ended, but Kyle/Yost relaunched X-Force as Cyclops little dirty secret: a covert blackops team that takes the fight to the enemy and wipes them out. They also returned Warren to his Horseman Archangel which I will forever be grateful for.

With its references to popular characters everyone has heard of through songs, books and movies, Fables is a hugely accessible comic as well as being easily enjoyable. Fables has the simple but fascinating premise of placing characters like Snow White, the Big Bad Wolf and Little Boy Blue in our modern world and pretty much blows your mind with the mix of what you know with a whole new tale. You never know who will show up next or what crazy turns the story will take but the adventures are big, the romance is lusty, the battles are bloody...instant classic!
*(thank you, guest writer Helen!)
*(thank you, guest writer Helen!)

These books are gorgeous and take you away to a different world of fantasy and adventure! Beautiful stuff.

A book focused on the cops of Gotham? Hell yeah! Written by Greg Rucka and Ed Brubaker, with killer art by Michael Lark, this is hands down one of the best books of the last 10 years.

What if, instead of landing in Kansas, baby Kal-El landed in Stalin-Era Russia? A super sweet story is what!

Why this hasn't been turned into a movie or television mini-series is beyond me.

Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and a whole lot of Weird! Its' brilliantly fun!

(Hickman/Eaglesham: #570-572)
These 3 issues are the best FF I've read in a very very looooong time. It's a Reed-focused story that feels like its done by the offspring of Alan Moore and Jack Kirby.

(Whedon/Cassaday run)
Joss Whedon & John Cassaday's love letter to the 70s & 80s X-Men. Every issue has goosebump moments.

(DnA era)
This run changed me from a Legion-Hater to Super-Legion dork! Its fun, adventurous and ended with me buying a Legionairre Ring Replica on ebay. Nerd!!!

(Rebirth, GL, GL Corps, Blackest Night)
I always wanted to like Green Lantern but could never get into it, even though I would try just about every year from the 80s to Naughts. Then Geoff Johns came aboard, brought Hal back and reinvigorated the entire Mythos. I think the GL books are my favorite books of the decade.
I'm sure there's more, but I think this list is loooong enough.
What were your favorite books these past 10 years?
oh wait, I forgot to talk about......

The Marvel Universe has pretty much been under the control of Bendis for most of the decade. He's been telling 1 large story -via monthlies, mini-series, crossovers & events- that's supposedly coming to a close now with "Siege" (we'll see). I enjoy Bendis' IDEAS but his execution always falls short. Great build up with a disappointing climax -he's like a bad lover that way. If he had better execution and this large story was told in a single book (like say The Avengers) over a span of 100 issues or whatever, I think it would be perceived as more of a success; "The Bendis Avengers Run" (ala "the Byrne FF Run" or "Walt Simoson Thor Run". But alas, instead his epic story took over the entire line of Marvel Universe books and there was no escape.
To reiterate: I dig his overall IDEAS - TALKING about the stories to another is always better than the actual books themselves.
In the end, he atleast pulled the MU books away from the horrible shite state they were in at the end of the 90s; Iron Man was a 17yr old kid, Captain America was wearing a ridiculous armor that kept him alive, Spider-Man was in Clone Hell, Thor was either in S&M gear or just shirtless, the Fantastic Four was anything but fanastic (slut sue & helmet wearing ben), Daredevil was in armor, and the Avengers were angry B-Listers in brown leather jackets.
Under the Bendis Era, I have bought & read all those titles just listed - something I did not do in the 90s. So there's something to be said for that, I suppose. Does it belong in the "Best of"? I'm not quite sure.
Happy new year to you and your family, Jim.
Ha, first comment of the year!
First Happy New Year Jim!
Second, clearly I have to get some of the comic´s you say in this.
Can I give you my opinion on some comics I felt you forgot?
- Batman: Battle for the Cowl.
I love the carachter but for some reason I can´t read his comics. It´s like they raped Batman and everything the carachter means and stands. This comic changed that. I liked very much and it was a great concept because, after Batman is gone... whos really whorty of having is cowl and his place in Gotham?
- Planet Hulk / World War Hulk
I started reading comics because of this story. Is there best way of saying "You do not f#!k with the Hulk!!!!"?
- The Boys
On of the most raw and violent and in a certain way dark comics about heroes. A simple concept: If heroes basically can rule the world, the world needs a team to, behind the curtains, put them in their place.
- The Eternal (from Max Comics)
Best retelling of the beginning of the world.
- The Ultimates (v1 and v2)
I will consider that v3 didn´t existed. If World War Hulk bring me to comics, The Ultimates make me stayed. I didn´t like Captain America but he is one cool mother...lover.
- Ultimate X-Men/Ultimatum
Nice retelling of our heroes of always. Only one thing... (SPOILER ALERT) Wolverine becames Cable? What?!
- Wanted
Movie is awesome. Comic is god-like. And Angelina Jolie was not Tomb Raider material in the movie, why not put a well placed Halle Berry?
- Wolverine Origin
Love it or hate it, we needed this. But just for this one. Angel? Beast? Venom? Why the origins? BE ORIGINAL MARVEL!
- Wolverine Old Man Logan
The end kinda sucks... but the violence, the carachter, the universe... awesome.
- Y: The Last Man
Chicks are crazy. Every guy needs his buddies. What if they are really crazy and the guy don´t have buddies? Simple.
And again, sorry for my english.
AHHHH ALAS SOMEONE LIKES ILTIMATE SPIDER-MAN!!!! I LOVE THAT SERIES... thanks jim =]and alas i agree with some of the things TIgas said, Planet hulk was AMazing and battle for the cowl was fun while it lasted,as far as ultimatum, it fit into the Ultimate iniverse but there was alot of thing i just didnt agree on,but still a great and somtimes hilarious read! (snickers a blob eating the wasp!) (and how hulk is really actually dangerous... and perverted)
Thanks for making this kind of checklist, Jim. I'm getting into comics after decade of non-comic-life, these titles sounds good to start with.
Altho' almost every comic is Marvel/DC (with couple exceptions, walking dead eg).
Feel free to email me anytime for comic recommendations! Knowing someone's tastes and previous comic likes can help isolate those books you may enjoy!
Happy 2010, Jim!
So what kind of audience is Mouse Gaurd geared towards? Mature or general? I tend to only like mature audience stuff nowadays. I just can't really get into the conventional superhero stuff anymore, so this might be a book I can enjoy. LMK.
Mouse Guard is geared towards , i would say, a more mature audience. ( it's NOT a 'child's book if that's what your asking.)
-It's a good read
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