So they are remaking HIGHLANDER. Yes, I'm pissed off too. Yes, I think its ridiculous to remake it and feel they should simply make a NEW Highlander movie that takes place before, spotlighting other Immortals. But alas, the Hollywood Remake Machine is moving forward and we shall soon see a NEW Connor MacCleod.
The other night, I caught the end of THE MIST and had the semi-thought, "hmmm, I could live with THOMAS JANE being the new Highlander.... IF I had to accept the new Highlander, that is." (yes, I think disclaimers even when talking to myself)
So what do you think?
Who could replace SEAN CONNERY?
Who could replace CLANCY BROWN? Well, no one.

Let the attacks on Jim begin!!!!!!
Previous JimSmash Casting Couch:
* Black Panther
* Nick Fury
* Deadpool
* Cobra Commander
Quasi-Casting Couch:
* Obi-Wan Kenobi - Age 45
* General Zod
You know, at first I was angry at you, Jim. But the more I thought about it, the more it works. Like you said, IF they MUST remake it I vote for Jane. Better than Brendan Frazer or Jamie Foxx or some shite.
As far as the Connery role, and I know this is the most stereotypical thing in the world, but I could see Patrick Stewart knocking that one out of the park.
And while I agree with the premise of this thread, I don't think ANYBODY could replace Clancy Brown. That is impossible.
No doubt. Clancy Brown is irreplaceable!!!!
Knowing Hollywood as well as I do…
Connor MacLeod – Shia LaBeouf
The Kurgan – Ashton Kutcher
Ramirez – Eddie Griffin (if Chris Tucker is busy)
Brenda Wyatt – Cameron Diaz
Music by: Amy Winehouse
The real question is: who plays Kastagir? I vote Wayne Brady.
I'd see it if Stewart and Jane were leads. Can't think of anyone else. But the casting will suck and it'll be twenty-something jerk weeds in all of the rolls. It will be inte3resting to see if the new one is better or worse than the sequels. I imagine that they'll throw Lambert a bone and have him be the arresting officer.
Now that I think about it...Liam Nieson would be good as Ramirez...
NO,...PATRIC .....STEWART.....!!!!
please, for the love of god people
he'a A) WAY too old,..(go watch insurection and tell me he would be good)
and 2) He doesn't have that charisma Connery had, He does nothing to inspire me at all,..get rid of the accent, and he probably is out of work.
I would prefer the cliche' Liam Nielson (sp) over Stewart,..but I wouldn't want either.....
I would prefer the cliche'
and if some one says "v. Diesel" (sp??), or "The Rock" for Kurgan,..I will seriously find you and slap you on principal alone.
Pixars Highlander! Brilliant!!
Whoa, Thomas Jane totally works!
Um...not so sure what your problem is with Patrick S. I think he's great. When you think about how weak the Insurection script was, he came across quite good.
But I do agree...no Rock, no Vin.
How about, I don't know, CLANCY BROWN!?!?!
allen,..it's not that I hate Patrick Stewart or anything, it's just that Connery had a physical presence to him. He was kind of a big guy in real life, and even as an old man he still held his charisma and some what of an intimidating prescence. Patrick Stewart reminds me of the nice old man down the street,who hangs out on his front porch swing with his two cat, ya know the guy I'd like to set my grandmother up with.
Connor MacLeod – Mike Myers
The Kurgan – Mike Myers
Ramirez – Mike Myers
Brenda Wyatt – Beyonce
Aman Fasil - Verne Troyer
Or if that cast is too violent for the moviegoing audience...
Connor MacLeod – Eddie Murphy
The Kurgan – Eddie Murphy
Ramirez – Eddie Murphy
Brenda Wyatt – Eddie Murphy
Damn. Jane works. Wow.
Thomas Jane is like Christopher lamberts younger brother, I always thought how about Christoper lambert taking the Ramirez role, but they look too much alike, and will they stick closer to the original movie or Greg Widens original script, which was darker.
What made Highlaner work was all the actors who played the immortals looked like they'd been around for centuries. You could never hire pretty boys. As for Kurgan, what is wrong with Clancy Brown reprising his role after all he isn't that old (just gone 50) and still looks well. Check out his website.
Highlander was a pivotal film for me in the 80's. The sequels were badly made badly scripted rubbish. The series had and still does have potential, as it can be set in any era. It doesn't always have to be modern day. All it needs are writers and producers willing to really push the envelope as it deals with a subject fascinating to all of us. Immortality.
Okay in regards to the Highlander remake, trust me been thinking of this.
Connor MaCleod: Thomas Jame, he looks, and acts just like Christopher Lambert when he did Punisher. I knew thank god I was the only one to think of this.
Rameriz: I got with Patrick Stewart or Pierce Bronson or Liam Nesson, then the last well Ben Kingsley. Although Benny boy is last because I am not sure if he be fit enough for the role although he is British/Indian. A good blend for Rameriz being 2,000 year old Egyptian. But the reason for Pierce Bronson, next to Roger Moore is the only one that could class Sean Connery. And Liam Nesson hello! Rob Roy, Batman Begins, Darkman, and A-Team to name a few as a good mentor character.
Kurgan: Kane, Undertaker, or Vladimir Kozlov. The reason I say one of these three hands down Undertaker, and Kane both have experience playing dark characters as wrestlers. Now with acting aside and a little stage coaching, would be perfect for height and build. So it would almost be a glove. Now why Vladimir Kozlov. He's freaken russian man, and a wrestler and to give credit to the movie? Kurgan was born on the steeps of Russia. It would be awesome to have Kurgan with a russian accent. Oh yeah.
Now only one thing that make this even more awesome as well? Christopher Lambert is not only cameoed, but he plays Rameriz. Call me crazy but I think of it as plausable.
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