Well, artist DEN BEAUVAIS was kind enough to share with JimSmash his in-progress 3D HULK!
(thanks, Den!)
Den says on his site, "I finally got around to teaching myself Mudbox and I have to admit... knowing this tool will most definitely affect how I approach any 3D modeling from here on. Here are some samples of my first attempts over the past week with very basic and limited knowledge of Mudbox's sculplting potential."

I dig the proportions and shape of the body. Love the arms and shoulders! Big and bulky, without being chubby like Ang Lee's version. He looks BIG, tough, mean and yet agile! As a fan of the Hulk comic, this makes me want to break out my Peter David "Smart Hulk" issues! I'm also looking forward to seeing future sculpts by Den!
On a side note, yes this is the same Den Beauvais who illustrated the freaking awesome awesome ALIENS BOOK 2 from Dark Horse. To this day, in my mind, it is the official sequel to James Cameron's ALIENS film. Of all the many Aliens comics, that 4-issue series is bar none the best and unfortunately set a standard unmet by later series. Check out his covers:

Den, let's see some Mudbox Aliens!!
Click HERE to see some more of Den's Mudbox Hulk!
Click HERE to see some of Den's awesome sample pages from his ALIENS series!
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