The only downside is the ad campaign is in full swing and everything and everyone is smashing. They had a contest where your name would smash... like "Amanda Smash!", etc.... so it may be an end to "JimSmash!".... maybe I need to think of a new name for this blog..... I had it first, damnit!!!
Ok, I got it from the Hulk comic, but still.
How about Jim Smoosh?
James Destroys?
Jimbo kills?
Jim Eliminates?
Nah...JIM SMASH!!!
new name for this blog?
you are JIMSMASH!! forever..
that will be the only substitute i'll accept.
or chicken wing. but it's not quite the same. :>)
I've been thinking... if you are worried about appearing to fall into the new "hulk" marketing bandwagon, why not just go simple and call it "Smash." Cause the word alone by itself doesn't necessarily imply "hulk."
The movie will arrive, suck, and be gone out of everyone's minds by end of the year. Plus, you've said it was a reference to the Hulk comic book. I wouldn't worry about it.
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