Remember those "Fan Art Fridays" posts with the Predators and Horses?
Well..... Sideshow Collectibles has made an actual statue of a Predator on a Horse (found on Can't wait to see this in AVP3. *please note sarcasm and bitterness*
When I am drawing a horse, I just make an ellipse for the body and remember that horses are longer than they are tall, it's a easy thing. Draw a simple horse with tips on sketching a mane from an illustrator and you will see the difference. I really recommend it. 23jj
*looks at it with tears in his eyes *
! ! ! !
Woah that is cool!!!
personally I find that to be incredibly dumb. to each his/her own.
When I am drawing a horse, I just make an ellipse for the body and remember that horses are longer than they are tall, it's a easy thing. Draw a simple horse with tips on sketching a mane from an illustrator and you will see the difference. I really recommend it. 23jj
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