But I think they did a good job of mixing various Hulk eras and the classic (and great) 70s TV show starring Bill Bixby & Lou Ferrigno. I enjoyed the opening credits with the "new" origin montage, which was extremely close to the 70s show - down to the machinery Banner is in, to his wardrobe. Also, they used the kickass Hulk TV show music a few times, as well as some classic Bixby-Banner lines ("Don't make me angry..."). There's lots of little things like that throughout the movie that's not only fun, but appreciated as a fan.
Edward Norton does a nice job as Bruce Banner, but Bixby simply set the standard too high. The weakest link is of course LIV TYLER, who yawns her way through uncomfortable dialogue with her token whispy voice and doe-eyed stare. Her scenes with Norton... I haven't seen a couple void of any kind of connection or spark since Anakin & Padme. Pretty much any scene with Liv - especially dialogue scenes or scenes with "jokes" - the movie starts to blow.
Outside of the boring, uncomfortable Liv Tyler scenes, the movie has a couple slow moments and a handful of forced, silly plot twists that could only exist within the pages of a comic book. But, they are usually quick and do move the story forward - before you're done sighing, there's a big green monster smashing something-up-good to distract you.
And yeah, the Hulk scenes are pretty fun, especially the attack on the lawn. Overall, he looks pretty cool, despite appearing CG most of the time. But gone is the neon-green Shrek Hulk of Ang Lee's film. Yay! But in general, he looked good with the right proportions (more-or-less) and nice coloring. Personally, I prefer a less "pretty boy" version of Hulk. But basically this is me saying, "I don't love the way this guy draws the Hulk." Also, did anyone else feel like there was 2 different 3D Hulk models... sometimes he looked tall and lean, other times he looked more stocky (like he should!)?

The movie is a nice blend of several HULK incarnations and makes for a fun ride. While there are some "negative" aspects to the film, the "positives" greatly outway them. In closing... during our screening, after a smashing fight scene between Hulk and The Abomination occured, a 6yr old boy in the audience exclaimed "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!". Ha! Sweet. The torch has been passed.
Of course, what would JIMSMASH be without Jim smashing? So be warned, some possible SPOILERS from this point on........
1) Ok, at the core of the Hulk is basically the theme of unchecked ANGER. The Hulk is our deepest, darkest side unleashed in a raging fury of anger and tantrum. But in this movie, they focus more on Banner's HEART-RATE - running causes him to start changing, and even to the point where he can't have sex because his heart-rate will make him Hulk Out. Really, guys? I'm surprised Marvel misses the mark so hard with this one.
2) By going with the 70s TV show origin, we get another Hulk movie sans the gamma bomb. I've always felt the gamma bomb explosion is essential to the Hulk's origin - even if the explosion is a result of say genetic testing gone wrong. The giant [green] mushroom cloud is such wonderful symbolism for what the Hulk is. When the Hulk is released, his power and anger is like an atomic bomb unleashed upon the world in humanoid form. The Hulk is more than a big, muscular green guy running around hitting things - he's a Force who's mere presence is felt... and feared. Again, I think that gamma bomb explosion is as essential to the Hulk's origin as say Thomas & Martha Wayne being murdered before a young Bruce's eyes.
Whoa... BRUCE Banner... BRUCE Wayne.... anyway...
3) When the Hulk is on screen, I don't get enough sense of him as a character on his own, instead of a "mutated Bruce". The Hulk is a separate character and I wanted to see that. Although I did get a sense of that during the cave scene in the rain.
4) There's 3 main fight scenes. And in each one, the Hulk uses props/tools to get the job done. On their own, they are cool - especially the 2-halves of the car being smashed into Abomination's face. But using props in every fight? The Hulk is a weapon of his own - that's the point! His fists are all he needs to smash something.
5) Another staple of the Hulk is that "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger he gets." (again relating back to the whole "Anger" theme). I would have preferred this concept to be implemented in instead of the Hulk using thick chains to get the job done. His growing, unleashed anger should have won the day, but at the same time shown everyone how dangerous he can be.
6) Sometimes the film is pushed forward through lame plot twists that feel forced and out of place. The sudden "origin" of the Abomination being the main one.
..... ok, there's more than 6, but that's all I'm gonna post.
The biggest thing for me was finding out that one of the large sequences cut from the movie was Banner going to the artic to try and commit suicide and finding out that he couldn't. Because when watching the film something felt off structurally and having included that sequence would have helped. Plus it would have made him jumping out the copter at the end more of a pay off then having it seem all crazy impulsive.-scott
I agree!
I saw the movie at a sneak peek so I’m not sure if my question is still valid; how did the scene with the helicopter crashing look? I thought it was reminiscent of the batplane crashing into Gotham in the first Batman movie, that is to say using a model and looking very fake compared to the rest of the movie.
Very good and fair review Jim. I felt the same as you, good movie with a few flaws.
I was just thinking about your complaint with the lack of a gamma-bomb and I guess the reason I don't have a issue with it is because they are clearly trying to build a cohesive universe. They took a more "ultimates"-like approach with the super-serum so that they could tie in all their upcoming movies. The serum directly relates to Captain American (who may or may not appear in the uncut version of the movie. ...then Cap of course directly relates to the Avengers and all.
For me at least, I think building toward a shared universe is more important than having a gamma bomb. Specially when you consider too that the gamma bomb and hulk origin is so rooted back to the atomic age where everyone feared mushroom clouds. If something had to be cut I'm not torn about losing that.
Frank, yeah the helicopter stuff in general looked kinda wonky.
Scott, For me its more of the bomb going off and the mushroom cloud and its symbolism in relation to the Hulk I don't need the project they were working on to be a gamma BOMB, per se, though. They could still be working on a super soldier serum, etc.... but then have something go terribly wrong resulting in a giant explosion. I just love the symbolism of that giant, immense mushroom cloud of atomic explosion - it really captures the awesome, scary power of the Hulk.
At least you got a mushroom cloud in the new Indy Movie, right?
Hahaha, yes I do! Time to insert a color corrected Indy shot into Hulk for my own private home-viewing edit. ;)
anonymous,...Yea, it's apparent that they are trying to biuld a more cohesive universe, but like you said, It's based on the "Ultimate" universe. which,(in my opinion) aside from the Thor character, and the first 30 ish. or so of Spider man,..Just isn't that good. And, like the Ultimate Universe, I REALLY hope they don't try and tie everything together in a "lucas-esc" bow. Iron Man was great,.and the Hulk was pretty good, I just would rather they stick with the real story lines,(the ones that have worked and developed loyal reader for the past 40 years or so) rather than go with the TV drama, that is the Ultimate Universe. I want more COMIC in my TV,..and less TV in my COMIC.
(not trying to be an ass or anything...)
great review!
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