Holy shit.... I just realized that
freaking 20 YEARS AGO in 1987!!!!!
TWENTY YEARS AGO?!!!! This is one of this "
oh dear lord, I'm old" moments.
Who's with me?
Pic posted is the backing to the
ST:TNG Pinball game, which is pretty fucking awesome to play. Behold how much Jimmy has matured with age!
I was helping out in a mate's video store when Next Generation first came out, he got Encounter at Farpoint on VHS and a few of us watched it in the store,boy what a load of crap it was, luckily the show got better. Loved the season 3,4 and 5 stuff,a lot of the best stories around then. I heard rumours that Paramount might start re-mastering the Visual FX so they can flog this lot on DVD again. :/
I remember back in the beginning...
we were on our way to Iowa and stopped in the hotel somewhere and the TV had that damn Star Trek on! My Mom put a stop to that! That damn Spock and his pointy ears! She wasn't havin nuthin to do with that freak! When was season 1 of the orig.???? You ain't old dude!
according to google, the original Star Trek series aired sept 8, 1966.
Yeah, I know I'm not old.... its just one of those moments where "just the other day" is actually 2 decades ago.
ST:TNG seasons 3-5 were great! Its funny how crappy that first season was!
What bothered me most about Season one was how much they were trying to recapture the magic of the original series instead of making their own magic. When Q introduced the BORG, the magic began...slowly, but it built to quite an impressive series.
so many of TNG's scripts/plots were merely ripoffs and rehashes of the original. but yes, it had its moments. There's a handful of seasons where it was kickass sci-fi!!
Too bad the mythos was watered down into drivel with DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. Boooooo.
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