In it she says, "A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus." Then, holding up the Emmy she said, "Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now!"
Sorry, but that made me laugh. (Wait, why am I apologizing?)
Various Christian Groups are outraged. The Catholic League said it was "obscene and blasphemous" and asked the TV Academy to denounce her joke. They also said it was a "hate speech". HATE? please. I'll give em "offensive" and even "blasphemous from their point of view", but that was NOT hate. This reminds me of that whole "Muhammad Cartoon" controversy last year.
The Award Show, which was this past weekend, was taped and will be aired this saturday with her speech being censored... (I believe the "suck it" part), according to the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
reminiscent of the Mohammed deal except no one is calling for her death or rioting in the streets. Take a sec and think what would be happening if she had replaced Jesus and said "suck it Mohammed" I think there would be more than just verbal outrage.
Very true indeed.
I think both are getting bent out of shape for silly reasons.
Oh, and Kathy Griffin is so not funny. Why is she still around? And she won an Emmy? WTF?
oops, when I said "both", I didn't mean you guys above! ;)
Imagine if she had insulted Aliens or The Original Star Wars!!!!!!
Hahaha! Nice one, Dr.
And just to clarify... the intent of my post was more to say "that was funny" than anything else really.
And the comparison to the Muhammad Cartoon controversy was merely the comparison of people were getting mad over a joke and over a cartoon. The same group that is outraged at the joke also said to Muslims "Jeez people, its just a cartoon. Relax." That's all.
wait.. people watch the Emmy's?
15 people in Duluth, MN are going to be pissed.
I agree with the question..."And she won an emmy?" And why is anyone surprised that anyone from Hollywood would say this. Oscar is their god. It's nice to see honesty from such a self centered, self obsessed, selfish, self serving,(I'm just trying to emphasize SELF here) bunch of morons. I mean, think about it, they get payed to do what eight year olds do without thought...make believe.
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