Ya know, I think Lucas gets dumped on far too much for "destroying" the
Star Wars Saga, especially with the Prequels. Now hear me out.... We all loved Star Wars (A New Hope) and Empire Strikes Back. Return of the Jedi seems to split fans down the middle, and we all agree the Prequels were not what we wanted. But if you look at Luca's Special Editions, you'll see that they are similar in feel and stupid humor to the Prequels. Star Wars is
HIS story, his vision and well, apparently that's how he's always envisioned it. Only because of limited budget, his ex-wife,
Marcia, saving the day by editing A New Hope and
Irvin Kershner directing Empire did we get the Star Wars we all know and love. Jedi was pretty much directed by Lucas, from what I've read and heard. So if you look at the Saga again, you'll see that those episodes where Lucas had the most input and control tend to be those versions we fans loathe; Episode 1-3, A New Hope
SE (crappy CG Jabba!) and Jedi
SE (Jabba Palace Dance Sequence!).

For example, in A New Hope, when the gang is running around the Death Star, Lucas actually filmed a scene where they turn a corner, see Imperials then proceed to put their hands behind their backs and walk "all casual like" *insert whistle sound here*. Oh, the laughs Lucas could have had if not for Marcia Lucas coming in at the last minute and editing that shit out, as well as tons of other crap.
The pic posted is that scene. If you look at the scene in the film where the group is coming up on that window where Leia exclaims, "You came in that thing?" you can see that they start out in the exact same poses and Han even looks back to make sure the officers are not looking anymore before rushing up to the window. Freeze-frame it, it's there. Also,
here is Lucas' original cut for the Cantina Scene; long and boring. Thank you again Marcia, for saving the day!
While we can bitch and moan about how Lucas keeps fucking up Star Wars, in the end we're really just seeing what he intended to put on the screens all these years! Imagine if he had had the budget and technology back then! I don't think we'd be Star Wars fans, or atleast not nearly to the extent we are now. We should be eternally thankful to Marcia Lucas for her editing salvation with ANH and Irvin Kerschner for his directing of Empire!
Don't get me wrong, I still have respect for Lucas. And Star Wars is still
HIS story, and I freaking
LOVE the Story!! It's just his storytelling style I don't like.
1 comment:
ok,.....NOW i see where he got the "Boba Fett macking in the alien scene in his new cut of Jedi....."...check out Han.....
But i guess it made Han look too much like a "bad guy", or scoundrel,.... you know, trying to get some action at the space port bar.........
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