Oh man!
Dustin Diamond, aka "
Screech" from
Saved By The Bell, is in his own
sex tape! It involves a three-way with two women, various bodily fluids action and apparently even a dirty sanchez. The working title of the 40-minute vid is "
Saved By The Smell." Hahaha, oh man!
here to order!
*thanks, Ali!
man, he's pretty desperate to save his damn house, huh?
haha, nice!
This guy will do anything for money! They did a few stories on him in the local news, since he's (I HATE to admit this) from this area of the country (Wisconsin). I guess people that ordered the T-Shirts never got them, and his wife admited to someone who was going to bail them out that they were just doing it for the publicity/money. But WHO want's to see Screach in a sex-capade? NOT ME!
I thought this was just a Jim Smash joke till I saw it mentioned on a news site.
He needs to come up with something new. Everyone has their own sex tape these day. That was SO last year...
"Everyone has their own sex tape these day"
True. But do those sex tapes have a dirty sanchez? nope :P
Hey it wouldn't let me order a copy :( There was a Body Snatcher in my way !!!!!
oh my gourd. ewwwwwwwwww.
i think i just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
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