For its despicable use and exploitation of Audrey Hepburn in its stomach churning new ad campaign. Salt to the wound: also using AC/DC's "Black In Black"... but that's AC/DC's fault for selling out yet again to coroporate sponsorship. Anyway, The Gap's ad using Audrey Hepburn made me both red with rage and green with disgust. How dare you!!!!!
How very Christmassy of you.
I try.
i say all kinds of things about how Lucas dissapoints, exploits,..and ruins everything,......but I know I'll bend over and buy it............
I guess I should take back the sweater that I got you for Columbus Day then, huh?
Is there a camel toe somewhere in here???? Then it's OK!
I just saw this ad last night. Not only was it exploitation of someone now deceased, nowhere in there did I figure out what they were trying to sell me. I'm pretty sure Audry isn't shopping at the Gap.
Also, outside of maybe some parts of LA, I don't think most Americans can fit into those pants! She was pretty tiny and skinny.
Anyway, the whole thing pisses me off. Very disrespectful and her family should be ashamed of themselves for whoring out her image like that.
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