1)They are closing down the kickass Back To The Future ride in its Orlando park, and
2)They are going to unleash upon the world another horrible MUMMY movie starring Brendon Fraser.
Yay, another Mummy movie!! (Thy name be Sarcasm). The Mummy 1 was a bad movie. Ok, stop right there before you start arguing with me. The Mummy Returns was downright abyssmal with only 3 good things going for it:
1) Patricial Velasquez as Anck Su Namun was a smoking hot villain.
2) The part where Rachel Weiz died. God that was awesome! Unfortunately it didn't last cause they saved her life. Way to ruin a great ending, people!
3) The Scorpion King. Holy crap, I don't remember laughing so hard at such a let down of hyper-hype... not even Godzilla came close. This was the best part of the movie because (at the time) I thought for sure it signed the absolute demise of the shitty Mummy Saga, forever burying any hope of another sequel.
The Mummy 3 hits theaters...ah, I don't know... I stopped reading the article before it said.
So lets get this straight,you're not a Mummy fan then ? :)
Scorpion King 2
.. can't wait...
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