I don't know about you, but I'm nearly killed atleast
once a day in traffic by some jackass "driving" while talking on their cellphone. It's bad enough that most of LA drivers are completely clueless and out of their minds on perscription drugs. Anyway, our governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger
(jesus, I still can't believe he's our governor) is signing a bill today that
bans California drivers from driving while talking on the cellphone
(headsets are ok).
Thank the Gods!!!Of course, its probably not going to change anything. People will still do it and pay the fines IF its even enforced....
I've been dealing with DC traffic for the first time and it KILLS me. A drive that normally takes 20 minutes can take up to an hour and 45 minutes! So I've been using my cell phone to watch movies or talk on AIM while I sit in traffic. --In my defense, I'm talking about bumper to bumper traffic where I'm barely moving or not moving at all. I would never do that stuff when I'm driving normal.
Yeah... tonight there was a guy driving while talking on his cell, but his headlights were off.
scott, are you visiting DC or relocated? I grew up just outside, on the Maryland side. yeah, DC traffic BLOWS!!!! Watch out for insane cab drivers.
Mmmmmmm, Beltway......
Cellphone?....lights off?..... I think its legal for you to pull him out of his car and cockpunch him, Amy.
What about those damn cops and their laptops!!! I see cops doing a righturn on red without a stop all the time!!
I live in South Rockville Md. I work in North Kensington Md...My commute involves 3 stop signs in and 5 out. About 3 minutes in all....
I feel for the commuters that do the big run every day... you can't afford housing close in nowa days....OH, I don't have a cell phone!
what about texting? I get in ALL my accidents that way! And messing with the iPod, that's a bummer too.
But.....if Ahnuld bans cwd's (cells while driving), then how will TRex and I ever be able to communicate......? I mean seriously?!
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