Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Yes, they are making a THUNDERCATS movie.
Yes, it's going to suck hard.
(pic above/left is unofficial, but it gives you an idea....)

I was a "fan" of the Thundercats when I was a whee lad. But even then, I thought the TV show sucked. I liked the premise and some of the visuals (Cat humanoids with swords, guantlets and magic?!) but the execution lacked. I've always wanted a movie made that was smart, complex, deep and well, just overall awesome. Picture Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings approach to adaptation and apply it to the 'Cats.... no silliness in my version. Make it for those adults NOW who grew up on it. Make it an serious, mature movie. But alas, I'm sure we'll have stupid fucking Snarf and lame ass jokes in this one.

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