Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Italy rocks. The state broadcaster, RAI, has decided to drop all Reality TV Shows from its programming! And the people support them for it!!!

"Reality television is a dinosaur," said Italy's daily newspaper La Repubblica. "After all the vulgarity, all the swearing, and the smut, its time is finally coming to an end." From now on the reality shows in Italy will only be found on the private Mediaset network of the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. With the money Rai will save from commissioning crappy reality shows, they will increase yearly spending on Italian-made films by 50%.

Imagine that... but I guess American TV Audiences would prefer seeing Paris Hilton being a worthless sack of maggots, or watching yet another group of assholes arguing with yet another group of spoiled brats and becoming celebrities for it. I'm cancelling my cable.

1 comment:

Andrew Glazebrook said...

I wish the UK would do the same,our TV over here is 90% crap !