Saturday, April 21, 2007


We saw HOT FUZZ last night. Overall, it was great. Lots of laughs, enjoyable characters, fun tight editing and spoofing how it should be - by people who truly understand and love the source material they are parodying. My only gripe was it felt a bit too long. I think it could have been trimmed by 15min or so. Not that those 15min were bad, but in terms of the grand overall film, it ran long. Its smart, dumb, funny and full of kickass action. Don't go in expecting SHAUN OF THE DEAD, because its an entirely diff't genre they are playing off of. Although I will mention the gore factor remains the same, more or less - but then they also balance it out with several great "ketchup blood" scenes - you'll see. I'm glad these guys are making movies and I look forward to future films by them! Go see it!
*thanks for taking me out into the Real World, Guys!

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