Thursday, October 06, 2005


Buck Rogers in the 25th Century!

So what's Hawk's deal? . . .
Hawk and his wife Koori (of the Bird People) come home from a trip, longing to be reunited with their family and friends -- only to find them all murdered by humans. Hawk vows to kill all humans who cross his path and goes on a warpath attacking human ships and outposts nearby. Buck Rogers is then sent to stop him. To lure Hawk out, Buck Rogers in his 80s hero brilliance, kindpaps Koori. Hawk, of course, goes apeshit. Not knowing Koori is IN Buck's ship, he engages Buck in a dogfight and plunges his ship's metal claws into Buck's ship.... and into Koori. Buck then tries to get her to help, but its too late and she dies. Hawk is then brought before the Galactic Court to be sentenced to death for his crimes. But good ole Buck Rogers steps in and saves him. They then become buddies, Hawk becomes a regular cast member and the show is cancelled soon after.

Wow, what a show! Man, did it kickass when I was 5yrs old!
Plus, the voice of Dr Theopolis is now my accountant! Weeeeird!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Twiki RULES!
Jim, We all know you just watched the show because of Erin Gray...

Jim said...

Oh man! Erin Gray on that show was awesome and helped propel me towards puberty. Don't be surprised if she gets her moment of blog-spotlight in the future! heheh