Yep, 3 years ago on September 29, 2005 I did my first post - a pic of a Wookiee throwing a baseball. Since then I've been doing Wookiee baseball pics for the birthday posts. Don't know why - I hate baseball.
Anyway, Happy BELATED Birthday, JimSmash!!!
That's a lot of daily geeking out! I hope Year 4 is even better!! And what a perfect time to cruise through the archives, eh?
Big warm thanks to everyone (anyone) who reads JimSmash!
* 1st Post, Birthday 1, Birthday 2
Happy Belated! I became a "JimSmasher" somewhere during Year 2. I check it numerous times everyday! JimSmash is the best! Keep up the good geek work, Jim! We love it!
Happy Blogday Mr. Smash
I come by everyday
so keep on smashin'
Happy belated b-day!
Happy Belated. I can't remember why I stumbled across you but I am enjoying you daily. (Sorry, a little tipsy due to the Sox getting shellacked tonight!)
Happy Birthday Jimsmash! I have the perfect gift for you - a mint condition Cyborg Superman. Now if I could only find the freakin' thing...
Well, you could always post a photo of a chick with a wookie. ;)
Happy Birthday.
I started when Woo's Dad Whore Hay Woo the Xcop turned me onto ATOM-Hunter's site and of course it's you and little miss R.I. that I view now....Hunter must have a real job now....I wonder if he's gonna be famous some day....miss his dailys....so I look at yours
Happy Belated, JimSmash! Best blog on the Net, IMO. I started reading during your bitchin' "Villain of the Day" run. Most impressive!
Yeah, man! Happy B-Day! JIMSMASH RULEZ!!!!!
Dang, I missed it too. Gonna have to put it on the calendar for next year. Moving Neptune must have distracted me from such an important day.
Oh, and it's nice to see the Wookie plays for Milwaukee WI!
3 years-plus of excellency, Jim! Keep up the smashin'!!!
Happy Birthday, JimSmash!
Congratulations on the big 3! JimSmash is my favorite place to visit throughout the day. Screw all them other lameass pop culture sites! Keep up the good work and keep on Smashin, Jim!!!
Happy birthday to one of my favorite daily reads Jim!
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