So I guess the
AVENGERS movie version of
CAPTAIN AMERICA is going along the lines of
THE ULTIMATES(??).... giving it a slight "Sporty" vibe to it.... but good grief man, it looks downright silly! It reminds me of the goofy
USO costume in the recent Cap film.

I wish they had either kept the WWII movie costume, or a slightly tweaked version of it. Because I think he looks ridiculous in all the Avengers photos & footage I've seen. Plus,
Chris Evans looks
scrawny now! Did the
Super Soldier Serum wear off?
why not go with the "scale mail shirt" and just slightly tweak that?
- " oh bc modern audiences won't buy this or that...and we need to make it cooler, for a contemporary audience....spandex...silly costumes...blahblahblah..."
- I hate the who ever is doing the art direction for these films.......( and the producer/director who is greenlighting these..)
Me too, I think that the WWII suits better in present days than the one we've seen in the Avengers pics. This one looks ridiculous
Yep, the WWII suit was the only design I really liked in that movie.
If you look at the other costumes being worn on the set of The Avengers movie, they all look pretty good, except for Cap it just doesn't look right. There's a photo of Cap, Widow, and Hawkeye running, their costumes are dark and look the part, cap looks like he's wearing a revamp of the Cap costume worn in 1990 by Matt Salinger.
Costumes do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Art Department, so it is not the fault of the Production Designer and their staff.
Design in film is a pain the ass. Notice how many producers a big budget film has? That many dickholes to stick their nose in and make comments for the sake of making comments.
It is goofy looking when it is static. I thought the same thing about Thor. But then when it was on the big screen and moving around, it looked 10x better. Let us hope that is the case.
Scarlett is AMAZING, as usual, and great for Black Widow, Renner as Hawkeye is pretty awesome & the suit looks pretty awesome... despite the lack of any kind of cowl or ANYTHING of the like whatsoever. which is pretty stupid.
Cap... *sigh* you KNEW that w/ all the characters in Avengers, they'd have to fuck up at least a couple things. the uni in the Cap movie, although dilsiked originally, worked out well. i expected some "updates", but i'm very unimpressed now that i've seen it.
...and it does indeed look like the Super Soldier Serum wore off, which is ultimate lameness. he carried it and it all worked very well in the Cap movie, but it's quickly back to "feeling hesitant" w/ these new screenshots.
eh, oh well... even if they do royally screw up numberous things, there should (BETTER BE) plenty of awesome to make up for it.
we'll see how it all pans out when we see the final product! ...ok, THAT was redundant, my bad. lol
oh, and the "scale mail shirt" set in a modernized overall costume (why not take the best parts of numerous recognized Cap costumes??) would've been sick, but cool shit DOES get watered down w/ all the greasy, tacky, tooled out hands in the mix, so the story goes more often than necessary...
oh, yeah, and Chris Evans laughing all wide-mouthed in one of the screenshots better have been BEFORE and/or AFTER a take 'cause if he acts all "Human Torchy", like they smartly & COMPLETELY avoided in Captain America, then i'll personally be pissed.
Cap doesn't smile, nor does he laugh. it's just not the character & it's the CHARACTERS in these movies that matter, not the personalities playing them.
Business man,..yes, I know,..and that's the problem with these films,..to many marketing agents, too many people trying to out think the room, too many people trying to make something acceptable to everyone,,..but in the end, it falls on the client, producer and director. If one of them had any clue, it would have been changes. the costume dept, art dept, hell ANY dept doesn't have final say.. I work in Visual FX and I see this kind of crap all the time, and it ends up ruining the final product, It all boils down to some one(s) not knowing, caring, or understanding the intent and source material, and too consumed with micro managing stupid insignificant details and missing the over all big picture.
it looks like a sport racer motorcycle jacket and boots uniform...the whole outfit looks like a motocross outfit. I don't like it. Should be more like the 90's movie costume but better...more up to date. The absolute best super hero costumes on any actor for any super hero film...are # 1 Chris Reeve as Superman...and The Flash costume from the tv series. Thors is ok but I aint really happy with it.
it's not just the costume, it's him. he doesn't look, or ebven have the presence of Cap. he looks like a college student in an expensive Halloween costume. he looks LITTLE. not "the Ultimate human being.." ( and painting on abs doesn't work...) the whole thing might be a wash......
where do you get the fabric from? I want to have Captain America Costumes and Ive been to several halloween stores and craft shops, and no one had any idea what I was looking for.. :s HELP, HALLOWEEN IS SOOOOON !
Do NOT go to
They will RIP YOU OFF!!!
Not one mention of the wings.The headgear looks like a retro novelty comicbook hero printed condom.Ignoring all the other unbelievable outfit screw ups in Caps costume, his mask (not helmet) should have the eagle wings on the side.Its like forgetting to colour the Hulk green, or the Silver Surfer jetting around without his board.I can't understand how the stencilled wings got the thumbs up....its a joke.I've waited years to see my favourite hero on the big screen, and what I get to see is some salad eating dweeb in a jogging suit with matching condom helmet that's been designed by someone who's never read a Captain America comic ever.I'm pissed off!
I agree - he needs the helmet 3-dimensional wings!
he would look totally gay with 3d wings on his head.
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