Wednesday, September 14, 2011



Anonymous said...

wow,..I HOPE this is just a bad pic/angle, or something,..this looks Hilarious...and why are their heads so big??? it looks like a college Halloween party......

Valkaad said...

Renner looks like a guy from a trailer park going to a Halloween party and Johansson looks only slightly more fit than Alicia Silverstone did as batgirl.
Chris Evans...I know the new costume isn't your fault, but did you quit working out???? You were already small to play the 6'2 240lb. Steve Rogers in the first movie, but now you have the physique of wide receiver on a high school football team. Maybe they can CG some muscles on you later.

Timewaster said...

I think we're missing the bigger point which is - why is Jim reading US Weekly?

Locusta said...

What? These guys wanna avenge WHAT???? Sorry, looks like bad cos play.

Mike D. said...


Anonymous said...

yeah, kinda the opposite of "impressive", eh? but, see, the thing that REALLY sucks is that if this movie is anything short of AMAZING, thne all the holier-than-thou critic douches will start saying what they have already, which is, "this is the end of comic-book movies".

which is nothing but a tool of an elitist Hollywood asshole-run system that wants to waste MILLIONS being "original" by selling a turd in the form of "Hancock" and "Karate Kid" in CHINA that doesn't have a speck of goddamn karate in it.

...for that matter, WILL SMITH... you're now more a laughable tool than entertainer. go back to rapping. ...oh, right, you largely sucked at that as well.

anyway, this flick has got a shit ton of hype to handle, & Marvel DOES have an overall "almost even" hit-miss ratio. been more "hit", recently, but lest we forget what they gave us in the 80s & 90s?

M said...

All I can hear now, is that the "costumes are stupid looking/unrealistic" crowd will use this an example.
" see costumes look stupid.."
when the reality is that the same unimaginative tools who can't grasp this "universe" and the idea of costumes ( who believe they are nothing more than spandex ), are the same unimaginative tools who design this ridiculous looking stuff. "...see we made costumes not made of spandex!!!! look how creative and smart we are!!!!"

-Seriously, why can't any one grasp the imagery? Can we have a pre-requisite for the design team to be that you actually have read or currently read comics, and understand what the costumes represent, and can emulate that in a real world setting.

Anonymous said...

...unfortunately, that may be asking too much, M, which is actually totally pathetic. $$$ drives Hollywood, not "actual taste & brains".

Jack Kirby said...
