Thursday, February 01, 2007


Sweet! The final Harry Potter book (#7) has a release date!

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" will hit bookstore shelves JULY 21st, Midnight!!

Which, coincidently, is one week after the 5th movie is released!

WTF is with the picture?!!
Click here for more disturbing pics... with a horse no less!Also, catch Daniel Radcliffe on this past week's
on HBO. Freaking Hilarious!


Mr. Legs said...

I wonder if anyone finds the naked female teenager opposite Daniel Radcliffe disturbing...

Jim said...

Probably not, just because we haven't watched her grow up from a little kid. Also, Daniel is Harry Potter in most people's minds and hearts. To see him in such a different role is the disturbing part. Well, that and the fact its an underage actor doing a nude sex scene. There's that whole sexuallizing our young movement going on right now that's disturbing.

...although I will also add that in today's current cultural climate, any image with a man without his shirt on is considered "gay", usually carrying a negative conotation.

There's 2 issues to argue there! ;)

Mr. Legs said...

I find the vacant gaze in his eyes more disturbing than anything else. That and the terrible Calvin Klein ad quality to the images...

Sexualizing minors for art's sake is less taboo in Europe, but as an American, I do have mixed feelings about it. So yeah, I see your point.

Otherwise, I wish I looked like that when I was 17. I looked like a bean pole with a balloon tied to it. Complete with a photo of Potsy Webber from Happy Days pasted to the balloon.

Jim said...


I really only posted the image cause I'm in a weird mood today.... and I thought it was funy to use that image when talking about the new Harry Potter... at first, you might think its a scene from the movie or something. I know, dumb.

Anonymous said...

It's just wierd that the play will have a scene where Harry Potter has sex with a horse. I guess he's just trying to seperate himself from the "potter" image even before the rest of the films are out.

Anonymous said...

Wow great image! I can see why Hermione has stayed such a loyal friend to Harry Potter!