I agree that there shouldn't be anymore ALIEN films. They've run that wonderful series into the ground, then took a steaming dump on it In addition, if they were to make more ALIEN films, I'd rather them not have Weaver in it. I mean come on, how many ALIEN adventures can Ripley have? Its like John McClane running into terrorists every Christmas. Enough!!!
Which reminds me to give another warm "Fuck You" to FOX for Alien: Resurrection, AVP and the upcoming AVP2.
*thanks, Scott!
She's too old now !! Besides some idiot at Fox must be about to announce the Alien remake anytime now !!
Don't put that out into the Collective!
If ALIEN gets remade, I'm holding you personally responsible, Andrew!!!
I'm sure some one just sits there in an office full of DVD's and when the phone rings and asks what ideas there are they go over to the shelf choose a random DVD and say how about a reamke of 'movie title here'
If they did remake Alien I'd do a retro remake,I'd go back to Dan O'Bannon's original title 'Star Beast' and back to Ron Cobb's Alien beasty and early concepts,show what Alien would have been before Ridley Scott turned it into the masterpiece it is !
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