Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ok, according to AICN, there MAY be a new animated series based on ALIENS; a series of short episodes ala Star Wars: Clone Wars. Oh god, I want to cry. I know, you're probably shocked that I'm not foaming at the mouth with giggly-glee. This perhaps would have sounded good back when I was 11yrs old, but no... its just going to be a watered down pile of shit that further diminishes the brilliance of the first 2 movies. And seeing some of the "Kim Possible" artwork for it further confirms my sadness. If you're going to make an animated series based on ALIENS, it has to be scary, serious, not cute & cartoony, Rated-R and done brilliantly. This shit pisses me off. At the moment, my feelings are to boycott the series and never watch it. Why must they always take something PURE and PISS on it? I HOPE I'm proved wrong and it rocks (I was wrong about the Clone Wars cartoon - that shit was incredible), so let's hope I'm wrong TWICE in my life and this thing rocks. Then again, when I watch the storyboard clip (link below), I laugh in embarrassment then scream in agonizing hatred. AICN is saying its not greenlit yet, so maybe it will die like the proposed horrid OPERATION: ALIENS cartoon in the 90s.

Here are a few images - they are not final character designs.
Click HERE, then "Animated Boards" to watch some. Uggghhh.

And some more detail info:

Newbie is a rookie Colonial Marine in a future where the Alien threat is widespread and feared by all. Marine training now involves HOT "Bug Hunt" scenarios - HOT meaning this is not a simulation. Rookies are dropped into a semi-controlled environment with live ammunition and REAL aliens (though tethered with remote stun collars). Each episode of the animated series would start with a mini-episode of Newbie and his training exercises, which get more elaborate each week. The animated piece at represents the first training exercise, pitting Newbie, with very limited ammo, in the middle of an abandoned terraforming station that is home to one single alien. A very dangerous game of one-on-one hide-and-seek.

Of course, by the end of the first season, Newbie will be integrated into the main storyline and seeing his first taste of real action in the war against the bugs, but these mini-episodes will serve as a fun pre-credits adventure prologue to each episode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would totally watch your KP/PPG version! That would be FANTASTIC!