Thursday, December 18, 2008


The above-left pic is ROLAND KICKINGER who will be playing the T-800 ("Arnold's Terminator") in TERMINATOR IV.

Kickinger, a perfect choice, was born in Austria in 1968 - the same year Arnold left Austria for the U.S. at the age of 21. This is enough evidence for me to conclude that Kickinger must be Arnold Schwarzenegger's bastard son, which is totally awesome.



Anonymous said...

Jim is bigger than both those guys combined...

I've seen it

JohnF said...

You miss the most obvious-
Roland Kickinger has already played the role of the actual Schwarzenegger in a made-for-TV movie.

Tadalafil said...

Well probably it's true, however we have not enough evidence to get a conclusion. I know the probabilities are so high, but I prefer waiting and not begin a rumor.

Jim said...

Just to clarify: I was completely joking about him being Arnold's son.