Monday, November 13, 2006


Here's the Nazi skull image that Wal-Mart was selling on tshirts. They supposedly pulled the shirts saying they were unaware of the imagery's origins and history (although there are complaints that they are still being sold.....). Wal-Mart became aware of it when Rick Rottman of Maryland (woo! Maryland!) blogged about it (behold the power of the Blog!) on his site "Bent Corner."

If you have no idea what I'm talking about.....
A snippet from Bent Corner:
"The Death's Head symbol was worn by the members of the German Nazi SS. The Totenkopf on the Wal-Mart t-shirt looks very similar to the divisional insignia of the 3rd SS Division Totenkopf. As you can see, It's almost an exact copy. Neo-Nazi's sometimes use the Totenkopf image because it is not as easily identifiable as other Nazi symbols such as the swastika. You might see one of these tattooed on someone's arm while standing in line at Burger King and think it's just an poorly done pirate skull. It's not."


Anonymous said...

I met a man whom has Hitler's Hat!

Anonymous said...

Good to know.

Rich said...

Sad times.

Playing devil's advocate here... like the swastika itself (a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Odinism) The nazis indescriminatly stole and raped earlier symbols and icons to use them for their own evil purposes. (the tainting of which being an ironic part of their plan... "that which cannot be changed is a victory for the Third Reich"). That's why I like Mel Brooks' make-em-laugh at 'em approach.

The Totenkopf symbol (or death head) is no exception - it was previously used as a military insignia with the cavalry of the Prussian army under Frederick the Great and even earlier in Russia by Christian Orthodox warrior monks...

On the other hand, your average skinhead is not going to be honoring ancient horsemen or thinking about Tutonic monks (a whole 'nother "shining example" of western 'civilization') when he wears it.


stupid walmart...

stupid nazis...

yeah mel brooks!

Jim said...


In fact, the swastika (in various forms; angles, directional layout...) is actually many Japanese Family's Crest.

Interesting about the Totenkoph symbol's history. Thanks!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

I hate Illinois Nazi's !!