Netflix? Netflix?? Puh-lease. That is
SO last year. You wanna be
COOL? You wanna be
HIP? Well, my friends, say no more. I present to you the
Future. The Future in home entertainment. Behold, the
WILLIAM SHATNER DVD CLUB!!!!! That's right, Shatner himself has personally selected
sci-fi, fantasy and horror films for you to watch and enjoy.
Sign up now
Now, what would be pure Shatner Genius is if all the movies he recommends and sends to you are HIS films!!!
*this is for REAL, no joke!!
They WILL be his films! What good sci fi fan doesn't need to see "Wrath of Khan" or "The Final Frontier."
Actually looks like the films he's promoting are little known movies. And I can see why they aren't well known--lack of original plots. Yet one of the three listed movies is set entirely on a "digital set." That's slightly creative, but I would have to check out the actual plot structure.
Shatner created a book & movie series-can't remember the name of now. The books were better than the movies which had continuity and timing issues in the plot structure. Still the stories and future he created were very original--and I gleaned some interesting ideas from them.
But the three movies listed in his club??? I would rather watch "Overdrawn At The Memory Bank" on Mystery 3000 Theater or whatever that show is where this guy and two goofy robots watch bad SF movies.
Shatner is pretty good in Boston Legal though...but I think he's better at his comedic portrayal of Priceline than being serious.
-Reni ^..^
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