Monday, February 06, 2006


Just when you think Lucas has done all he can in merchandising to further diminish the cool factor of Star Wars, he busts out another abomination that truly blows your mind. Here is such a case in the stupid Star Wars/Transformers line of toys. What is this you say? Well, its what you think. Take a SW character's SHIP and make it so it can transform into a robo-character, usually of the pilot. Behold the worst of the worst: Boba Fett/Slave 1. Click on the image to better soak in the poop detail.

As Melchy so perfectly stated, "Any shred of coolness he once had is now offically gone."

That picture makes me cry.
Now I understand why people are rioting over the blasphemous cartoon depiction of Muhammand (click here).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Funny post, Jim!