Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Our good friend Steve "MrLegs" (from SquirrelHarem) has been hard at work as an animation supervisor on the upcoming show "PRINCESS NATASHA" for the Cartoon Network. "It's about a princess from a fictional eastern European country who travels to America to prevent her evil uncle from trying to overthrow her father from the throne." Go Steve!

Read more here.


Anonymous said...

That sounds almost just like my pilot I'm developing.

about a princess from a fictional eastern European country who travels to America,

becasue an overweight KFC manager from Oklahoma sold off his john deere tractor model collection,
to afford a blonde 13 year old girl at his beck and call.

In the end they discover valuable lessons about cultures and monetary wealth, and what the word statutory means.

Anonymous said...

congrats steve :)

Anonymous said...

Is Princess Natasha being attacked by Q-Tips? I'm worried.

Mr. Legs said...

In that episode, she takes her evil uncle's travel bag full of grooming supplies and attacks him and his henchmen with it. Yes, those are q-tips.

Lisa said...

Way to go Steve! (I will have to check it out because we advertise our store on Cartoon Network) Hopefully in a year or two it will be so popular they will make it into comic books.

Mr. Legs said...

Hey Lisa,

There are Princess Natasha comic books! We just finished putting together season 4 for DC Comics. They'll be ready for your shelves soon.

Jim, can you pass this on to Lisa?

Lisa said...

Can't wait to see 'em, Mr. Legs!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Oh I'm going to tape that... Princess Natasha sounds like fun.
