Good grief... this looks worse than I initially feared. SyFy Original Bad. And that dude is simply wrong for the part of Conan on every conceivable level. I had made a lame joke yesterday that he looked like YOUNG Conan.... NO - he doesn't even work as a young Conan. I don't blame him - I blame the Casting Director. CONAN is a character and world near & dear to my heart... which is breaking upon viewing this teaser trailer. Bah! BAH I SAY!
Here's a Conan pic by JimSmash Reader LEDO:
Here's a Conan pic by JimSmash Reader LEDO:
it looks like he's a male stripper wearing "guy liner" about to perform a Vegas show.
i mean...this looks horrible...just f'n horrible....Catwoman horrible.....just,..holy sh*&^ who in 1) camae up with the casting and the look/devel,...and 2) f'n said,.."yea! this looks great!" and green lit it?
Doesn't look the part.
Well, at least there is another Conan the Barbarian film from years ago that does it all quite nicely ;)
Instantly turned off.
But check this out
Well, at least I know what I´ll not watch this summer....
CROM,..I have never prayed to you before,...I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. What went wrong with this film, or why it was made. All that matters is that this is an abomination against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me this movie never sees the light of day! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!
I feel much the same way...but still have my fingers crossed
NICE drawing LEDO
ok, well... doesn't give you enough of a real look to go ALL out about it, but enough to say, "wtf?"
clean off the damn guyliner, actor too small (despite apparently being able to swing the damn sword like many "super-mega-buff" guys, like straight-up bodybuilders, can't), needs to not go the route of "Zombie/demon/CGI/Mummy 3: Tomb of blah, blah (or wtf that was)" villains and be just a STRAIGHT-FORWARD ASS-KICKING flick the likes of which was in the '04 King Arthur. WONDERFULLY GRAPHIC as that film was. seriously, there needs to be an outrageous body count & damn well better be an "R".
but, hey, it looks like GROO finally got a personal trainer! LOL
Yikes, that's bad!! I was a fan of Momoa on Stargate Atlantis because he fit the part he played. Sadly...he does not as Conan.
take Lord of The Rings,....Throw in the Arnold Conan,....pepper in some Dragon Slayer with a dash of Gladiator,..stir it up , bring to a boil, and pour into a mold of the comic, and serve it on a plate of Frank Frazetta,..and that is what the friggin movie should be...
OUCH! That hurt to watch. What was with all the smoke and crap?!?!?!
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