Tuesday, June 08, 2010


AOL News reports:
There may be life on Titan, Saturn's hazy, red moon.

While there are no signs of aliens just yet, some scientists say findings from a NASA spacecraft suggest the existence of extraterrestrial life is possible on Titan. (more)
Yeah.... I'm thinking THANOS. We're all going to die... well, at least HALF of us.


Frank Gillespie said...

well, as he is no longer in possession of the Infinity Gauntlet he'll have to work at killing us all.

On a related topic, do you like DnA's latest work?

Jim said...

I'm not a big fan of DnA's Cosmic stuff... although the last thing I read was 'War of Kings'.

I like some of their ideas, but feel they miss the mark with just about every single character, espcially Galactus, Ronin and Adam Warlock.

Maybe if Starlin was their editor.... its lacking an intelligence level the 70s Marvel Comic Stuff had.

I am interested in the current Thanos series that just kicked off.

I did, however, LOVE their Legion stuff at DC... espeically their "Legion Lost" series.

Grayson said...

Yea, reading the new cosmic stuff is unfulfilling. The IDEAS are there, but, like Jim said, just the complete lack of understanding and Knowledge of the characters is a HUGE turn off. Other than the names and powers ( and in some cases not even that..cough..cough..Galactus..) there is no simblance of who these people are, or what they represent in the grand scheme of things. You could have just made up people and inserted them in, and the story really wouldn't have changes.
It just seems that todays writers are so formulaic in thier approach, that thier product lacks any real knowledge, or understanding of anything that falls outside of thier own Myopic worlds they grew up in, or studied under.....
example,..if you have a "leader", you have to have a "strong guy" and a quirky, but non-threatening comic relief, a hidden romance, trivial "teen pop culture" banter that seems odd coming from these characters (Gamora thinking Adam Warlok has a 'cute butt',..really???)the pacing of a WB television series,... ect......ect,.......

-on a side note, I've got my fingers crossed on this Upcomming Thanos Story,..it could really go either way. right now it's walking a thin line.....

Valkaad said...

Sooo Sooo true! Is it really believable that Hercules Olympian God with an Ego the size of Jupiter is "hanging out" with a human child?? Is this the same Hercules that loathed taking orders from the Wasp even though she was a seasoned proven Avenger?? When they said hercules was checking his email I quit reading anything with him in it.

Jim said...

About 8 months ago, I started a post "Top 10 Things of The Current Marvel Cosmic Stuff That Annoy Me" or something like that.

Perhaps I'll finish it and post!

With that said, what are your thoughts, Frank? (Tough crowd here) haha

Frank Gillespie said...

“The IDEAS are there, but, like Jim said, just the complete lack of understanding and Knowledge of the characters is a HUGE turn off” Exactly! That’s precisely what I’m thinking. I was trying to think of a response to Jim’s “its lacking an intelligence level” comment but was hitting a brick wall as I didn’t completely agree but couldn’t spell out how it was that I disagreed with the statement. The ideas are difinatly there but the execution is just lack luster and falls short in light of the charactors presented.

Jim, are you asking me what annoys me most right now? The negitive zone is a completely wasted oportunity that Marvel just cant seem to get a handle on. I used to read the Fantastic Four stories of the negitive zone the same way that I would read Tolkien now; with wonder and awe. Now, it’s just some otherish kinda universe that doesn’t come across as particularly menacing to anyone. Heck, the charactors of the cosmic MU can even sign treaties with “King” Blastaar. Sheesh!

Now if you want what annoys me most at the moment in the MU… at the top of the list is when a so called angel of death rips the god of war in half without breaking a sweat but is able to be put down a quarter of the way through a book (only two issues seperated the events…) with little difficulty by a god of thunder even though the same god of thunder struggled the previous issue. Yep, issue 4 of Seige in light of issue 2 is at the top of my list (and will be for a while).

Jim said...

Hey, Frank... I was asking your thoughts, good and/or bad really. A general "let's geek out" question. :)

I totally agree about the Negative Zone!!! And that fits within my complaint bag.

And yes, Grayson said it best regarding my Intelligence comment... Jim... not... good with words. Although I do think the 70s stuff was more intelligent with oodles of out-of-the-box ideas and surreal concepts. Today's stuff is more like an action movie. Apcolaypse Now vs The A-Team. :)

To spotlight some good DnA has done...

I dig the new Guadians of the Galaxy (except for the Reality Show interviews and mis-characterizations... and talking dog...). but overall its fun and I love the uniforms!

DnA have also revived the Cosmic Corner of the MU which has been almost non-existnt for a decade or so... I haven't really enjoyed any cosmic stuff since Return of Thanos/Infinity Gauntlet.

Regarding Siege #4.... well, they were all amped up with uber power with the magic stones loki gave them (after taking them away from the villains). Still lame, but I think that was the general idea of how Thor was ablt to defeat the sun god.
Such a disappointing series.

Jim said...

Oh, and I 100% agree, Chris!!!!!!