Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Man, that stupid Men's Suits ad has been up on JimSmash forever! Ugh, WTF? Adsense is supposed to grab commonly used words within JimSmash and then post ad links of revelence. So you'd think by now all the ads would be "Aliens", "Star Wars", etc. Anyway, I finally got off my lazy ass and looked into how to filter ads. So no more Mens' Suits ads (knock on wood). I'll also try and be better about paying attention and refining the ads filter. While the ads do generate some small change for me (which I so desperately need), it should not be an annoyance to you Readers... in fact, I would hope they would be a service; links to those areas you would be interested in. Also, if anyone has any ideas for me to generate money doing JimSmash, I would appreciate it. I'm flying blind here, doing JimSmash in my spare time. Anyone want to give me a grant to do this full time? *.....crickets.....* Anyone?


Timewaster said...

As a frequent visitor to this site, I must admit that I have never before noticed the Men's Suits ad.

KEEF said...

I never noticed the ads either, I dont have ads...they can generate you moneyzz???
What about Jim SMASH t-shirts, or hats...I have screen printing hookups.
Lets talk, you got my e-mail...

post this...and they shall come!! (more)

DanO said...

I'd really like a Jim Smash t-shirt.

(but not a Hanes "beefy" T that turns into an unbreathable sweat rug in the summer, see if you can get a batch with American Apparel shirts)