Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Dark Horse Comics is coming out with a new STAR WARS series in May entitled STAR WARS: LEGACY. Set "100 years beyond everything you know about Star Wars." Legacy #0 will be a handbook for the wider new galaxy, and will serve as a primer of sorts for the characters and settings within the ongoing series. Below is an example from issue 0; the interiors being typeset in a more traditional book-style typeface.

**click on image to enlarge and read text**
Cade Skywalker?..... pirate?..... possibly Ben's grandson? ugh.
Sounds like some Role Play Gamer's idea. Most of DH's SW comics fall very short; cool ideas at times, but executed poorly.... and often horrible ideas. This has kinda cool art, though. Hopefully they pull this off and its cool. There have been some cool SW comics and novels, but they are the few and rare.
Fingers crossed.
*thanks, Lisa!


Anonymous said...

And by cool artwork, are you referring to
the new skywalker?

a.k.a Steven Tyler in a Meg Ryan wig?

Lisa said...

I KNEW you'd be skeptical of this, Jim. You are SO "old school." Get with the times man! Stories for a new generation!

Jim said...

Hahaha, wow, you're really getting to know me! Can't argue with you much. However, I'm partially skeptical because I've read may SW books and comics, and they usually miss the mark pretty hard. Anyway, I tend to take what little things I like and then focus on that; like the Cylons in the orig Galactica! heheheh. I'm all for stories for a new long as those stories are GOOD. ;)

Lisa said...

Well, the thing is, Jim, sometimes those "good" things are good because they're original. Once someone else comes along and uses that same concept for their own thing, it usually looses something... because its no longer original. If only people could come up with new original stories/ideas!