Thursday, May 01, 2014



allen etter said...

Yes! Please, Please, Please, Please, PLEASE!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Or failing that another Ewok film !!

allen etter said...


Jim said...

I wonder if there will be ewoks in the new movies? maybe ewoks AND gungans together!!!!!!!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Speaking of Ewoks, in the Making of Jedi books they show an illustration of something I mentioned on my blog before, how did they manage to build the shield generator and underground are without disturbing any trees, well they show a Joe Johnston sketch of loads of trees felled and the dish actually in the surface of the planet, like "Hey we're the Empire, well knock down what ever forest we like" !

Anonymous said...

of course they "disturbed trees", the Empire don't give a FUCK. ...which is why they enslaved Wookiees to build the first Death Star in the first place.

...and, for the love of all that is good and evil, please stop ob-fucking-sessing over Jar Jar. it's childish.

aaaaaaaanywho, this is about DREDD.

i swear, if lame ass Veronica Mars can have a fan-friggin'-financed film, then why not Dredd?!?!?!?!?!