Friday, May 31, 2013



IsuzuGeek said...

That's cool. The Mad Max trilogy is in my top 10. That said, I am not looking forward to Fury Road, and I do not think Tom Hardy is a good choice. I smell a Mad Max version of Prometheus on the horizon.

Anyway, I should have bought this kit when I had the chance:

Jim said...

that kit is awesome!!!

I'll have to post it up on the main page.

Yeah, I've grown so cynical over the years regarding geeky movies. But 20 years of pretty much constant disappointment will do that to you. Fingers crossed on Fury Road.

IsuzuGeek said...

Yup, first it was the Aliens and Predator franchises that got ruined with AVP. And even though T3 pretty much sucked, the ending was great and it kept true to the overall story, and then Terminator Salvation came out and put the nail in the coffin of Terminator. And then Prometheus made me loose all hope for anything cool ever again, and I just know Fury Road is going to reek, and my worst fear of all, is my favorite movie of all time getting ruined with a sequel:

The End is Nigh. :(

Anonymous said...

oooohhhhh, the cute whining about Prometheus. *smh*

this is awesome, if you don't love Tom Hardy then you've obviously never seen one of his films (start w/ Bronson), and disappointment can overall be "misplaced".

that's why there's a bunch of fools who say Star Trek Into Darkness (NICE name, btw. *snicker 'cause it's immature*), a LAUGHABLY predictable film, is good and Iron Man 3 is not.

no one cared about Iron Man until RDJ & Favreau's take on it. nobody has ever said the words, "i'm so disappointed in their take on The Mandarin 'cause THAT GUY is my FAAAAAAAAVORITE!"

you just got hopes up, same as Prometheus, and then screwed yourself out of some enjoyment.

no film is perfect, they're MOVIES. picking at imperfections, which lie in literally every film ever made (seriously, get over it), is kind of immature to me.

it's like expecting a director to just do THAT type of movie, for example...

it's like saying, "everything Spielberg did from Schindler's List to Lincoln is crap because i expected an alien, dinosaurs, &/or a guy named 'Indiana Jones'!!!!! MY expectations rule, MIIINE!!!!! *STOMPS FEET*"


seriously, get over it, please.


Jim said...

Some people like to critique movies.

Some people like to critique people critiquing movies.