Wednesday, October 03, 2012


While I hate the Star Wars Prequels, and am not a fan of the stupid Droids... this Vehicle Playset is pretty sweet.

Apologies for the SW Prequels post... here are some bonus pics for you:


TimPro said...

Destroyed Alderaan is just as hilarious and the Uncle Owen and Aunt Baru charred remains moc up someone made.

Anonymous said...

looks like another Anonymous w/ ACTUAL TASTE! HAHAHA!!

oh, right, prolly one of the regular doofs (or is it "doofii", technically? "doofuses"? hmmmm) who love Dork Trek pretending. ...when they're not pretending.

really, though, who likes Dr. Who & Star Trek and dogs on SW prequels? oh, right, people who have logged approximately zero hours in the "breeding simulator".


seriously, i just trademarked "breeding simulator". you can use it, but you'll have to pay me & receive a kick up the backside for it. ;-D

...still can't "prove that i'm not a robot", tho. lol