Solicit reads:
"....the PRINCE OF POWER is pitted against the new HERALD OF GALACTUS! Its no-holds-barred action as the Lion of Olympus.... must fend off a vicious and alien Silver Surfer...."
Future Story, What If--? story, whatever story.... another Silver Surfer? Come on guys, you're supposed to be "The House of Ideas".
marvel is on her Last legs and from what i see from her death-throes (WOLVERINE'S long lost official Son, Hulk's son from Skarr,Death of Captain America, spiderman an MJ not being married)
may it rest in peice , Kirby is weeping in Heaven from seeing marvel crumble .
MARVEL COMICS (1939 - 2010 )
way to go Quesada , you single handedly Killed an immortal .
There's a lot of reasons to preach the downwards spiral of Marvel, but this ain't one. It's a sequel to an 80s mini with Hercules in the future, where he saves earth by getting Galactus drunk. Seriously, hammered Galactus.
Oh, I know its a sequel (I could tell by Herc's costume. NERD!)
But that doesn't excuse the lack of originality to have yet another Silver Surfer.
And yeah... Drunk Galactus? Even back then, as a kid, i thought that was lame. :)
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