Friday, October 25, 2024


via Wikipedia:

Mutant X
is a comic book published by Marvel Comics between 1998 and 2001, featuring Havok, a mutant and former member of the X-Men, who is transported into a parallel dimension. It was written by Howard Mackie and inked by Andrew Pepoy, with a series of different pencilers.

The "Mutant X" universe (Earth-1298) is a reimagination of the Earth-616 universe. In this continuum, Scott Summers was captured along with his parents by the Shi'ar and only Alex (Havok) escaped, allowing him to be the eventual leader of the X-Men. Originally, the highlighted difference between the Mutant X universe and Earth-616 was that mutants have come to be accepted by the overwhelming majority of humanity, and anti-mutant sentiments are regarded as outdated. However, it is later revealed in Mutant X #15 that hatred against mutants is even stronger than in Earth-616 following the actions of the Goblin Queen.

via Marvel Fandom Wiki:

personal history is very similar to her Earth-616 counterpart. It is known that she lost her parents in the same manner, developing claustrophobia after being buried alive in that bombing. In her later years, Bloodstorm was recruited into the X-Men as part of their second wave of members. She was later captured by Dracula, who attempted to make her into one of his brides. Storm became the vampire Bloodstorm, threw off Dracula's control, and helped to defeat him, but felt she could not remain with the X-Men in her current state.

While imprisoned by some of Dracula's disciples, Bloodstorm befriended Forge, and together they tried to escape, when they were confronted by Kitty Pryde, her former teammate. Kitty, rather see her friend die than become a vampire, attempted to kill Bloodstorm, but she hesitated and became Bloodstorm's first victim. After drinking Kitty's blood, Ororo kept her on as a mind controlled slave, and remained apart from the X-Men for years.

Here's the Bloodstorm figure from 2000:

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